Logiquement, si une personne qui n’a aucun symptôme n’est pas contagieuse, il n’est pas nécessaire de la placer en quarantaine.
En revanche, "il est nécessaire d’observer une grande vigilance pendant cette 'période grise' et de limiter ses déplacements. Par exemple, si une personne commence à avoir de la fièvre un lundi soir, il est possible que pendant l’après-midi de ce lundi, elle soit devenue symptomatique. Elle n'a pas ressenti forcément tout de suite les effets de la fièvre mais elle est potentiellement devenue contaminante".
Logically, if a person who has no symptoms is not contagious, it is not necessary to place it in quarantine.On the other hand, "it is necessary to observe a vigilance during this' grey' and restrict his movements. For example, if a person starts to have fever a Monday night, it is possible that during the afternoon of Monday, she became symptomatic. She has not felt necessarily immediately the effects of the fever but she became potentially contaminating."

Logically, if a person has no symptoms is not contagious, it is not necessary to quarantine.
However, "it is necessary to observe great caution during this 'gray period' and restrict his movements. For example, if a person begins to have a fever Monday night, it is possible that during the afternoon of Monday, she became symptomatic. It does not necessarily feel right away effects of fever but potentially contaminating become. "

Logically, if a person who has no symptom is not contagious, it is not necessary to the place in quarantine.
On the other hand, "it is necessary to observe a great vigilance during this period 'gray' and to limit his movements. For example, if a person starts to have a fever a Monday night, it is possible that during the afternoon of this Monday,She had become symptomatic. She has not felt necessarily any of following the effects of the fever but it is potentially become contaminating" .