[LEX-FAOC141772] CameroonDecree No. 96/036 / PM of February 21, 1996 on the establishment of the National Committee of the World Energy Council.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141783] CameroonOrder No. 030/CAB/PM of February 19, 2008 on the establishment of a follow-up Committee of the project of construction of the Central Kriki gas.Date of text: 19 February 2008.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141785] CameroonArrested N ° 056 CAB/PM of April 02, 2008, amending and completing the Decree n ° 030/CAB/PM of February 19, 2008 on the establishment of a follow-up Committee of the project of construction of the Kribi gas.Date of text: 02 April 2008.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC109549] CameroonLaw No. 2011/022, December 14, 2011 governing the electricity sector in Cameroon.Date of text: 14 December 2011.Relevance: [Read full text 1] [Read full text 2][LEX-FAOC050030] CameroonLaw n ° 98/022 governing electricity sector.Date of text: 24 December 1998.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC050034] CameroonDecree No. 2000/464 PM governing the activities of the electricity sector.Date of text: 30 June 2000.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141121] CameroonLaw No. 2007/002 of 19 April 2007 authorising the President of the Republic to ratify the convention of the African energy commission adopted on 11 July 2001 in Lusaka.Date of text: 19 April 2007.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC109553] CameroonLaw No. 2011/025 14 December 2011 on the valorisation of the associated gas.Date of text: 14 December 2011.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141774] CameroonDecree No. 2000/462 of 26 June 2000 on the renewal of concessions, licenses, authorizations and statements valid upon the entry into force of Act No. 98/022 of 24 December 1998 governing the electricity sector.Date of text: 26 June 2000.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141773] CameroonDecree No. 2001/021/PM of 29 January 2001 fixing the rates, terms of calculation, collection and distribution of the levy on the activities of the electricity sector.Date of text: 29 January 2001.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141803] CameroonOrder No. 061/CAB/MINMEE of 30 January 2001 fixing the composition of records and expenses statement of grant applications, license, authorization and declaration on the exercise of the activities of production, transport, distribution, import, export and sale of electric energy.Date of text: 30 January 2001.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC078299] CameroonLaw n ° 2002-013 bearing gas code.Date of text: 30 December 2002.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC126414] CameroonLaw on gas code.Date of text: 02 April 2012.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141775] CameroonDecree n ° 2003/243 of December 12, 2003, establishing the energy Steering Committee.Date of text: 12 December 2003.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141776] CameroonOrder 053/CAB/PM of March 02, 2011 on the establishment of a Steering Committee and of follow-up studies of detailed and bankable feasibility for the realization of projects to supply the market in gas and petroleum products.Date of text: 02 March 2011.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141777] CameroonNo. 016/MINMEE / 13 July 1995 laying down detailed rules and the procedure of control of petroleum products.Date of text: 13 July 1995.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141786] CameroonOrder N ° 023/MINMEE of 28 September 2001 laying down level, geographical areas of storage and the conditions of management and control of regulatory stocks of petroleum products.Date of text: 28 September 2001.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC050031] CameroonAct No. 99/13 oil code.Date of text: 22 December 1999.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC050035] CameroonDecree No. 2000/465 laying down the procedures for the application of Act No. 99/013 of 22 December 1999 on the oil code.Date of text: 30 June 2000.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC078298] CameroonDecree No. 2000/465 of the oil code.Date of text: 28 February 2005.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141896] CameroonDecree No. 2005/036 of 7 February 2005 on the ratification of the convention on early notification of a nuclear accident, adopted on 26 September 1986 at Vienna.Date of text: 26 September 1986.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC051955] CameroonDecree n ° 2005/087 on the organisation of the Ministry of energy and water.Date of text: 29 March 2005.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141676] CameroonLaw No. 98/022 of 24 December 1998 governing the electricity sector.Date of text: 24 December 1998.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141677] CameroonDecree No. 99-193 of 8 September 1999 on the Organization and functioning of the Rural Electrification Agency.Date of text: 08 September 1999.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC050056] CameroonDecree n ° 2003/1397 amending and supplementing the articles 1, 2 and 4 of Decree No. 2002-1721-PM from October 8, 2002precisant rules of base, control and recovery program secure revenue of mines, water and energy.Date of text: 10 July 2003.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141771] CameroonDecree N ° 95/135/PM of 03 March 1993 amending certain provisions of Decree No. 528/77 of 23 December 1977 regulating the storage and distribution of petroleum products.Date of text: 03 March 1993.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141787] CameroonOrder No. 01/98 MINMEE 05 January 1998 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of the petroleum products distribution stations.Date of text: 05 January 1998.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141788] CameroonOrder No. 00029/029 MINMEE of 05 June 2003 specifying the rules of functioning of the national commission of petroleum products.Date of text: 05 June 2003.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141791] CameroonJoint order No. 0046/98/MINMEE/MINOIC of 03 July 1998 on approval of the specifications of the petroleum products sold in Cameroon.Date of text: 03 July 1998.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141794] CameroonJoint order No. 025/MINMEE/MINEFI/MINDIC of 05 October 2001 fixing the level of security intended to cover liabilities of the operators in the sector downstream from the State petroleum.Date of text: 05 October 2001.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141801] CameroonJoint order No. 000012/2004/MINMEE/MINDIC on amendment and approval of certain specifications in gasoline produced, imported and put in consumption in Cameroon.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141796] CameroonJoint order No. 0010/MINMEE/MINCI of the 87portant-02-13 approval of the national standard of manufacture of mixed liquefied petroleum gas cylinders.Date of text: 13 February 1987.Relevance: [ Read full text ][LEX-FAOC141878] CameroonOrdonnance n° 2014-001 du 07 juillet 2014 portant réduction de la Taxe Spéciale sur les Produits Pétroliers (TSPP) et de certaines taxes dues par les transporteurs de personnes et de marchandises.Date of text: 07 July 2014.Relevance: [ Read full text ][LEX-FAOC141893] CameroonDécret n° 2005/2176/PM du 16 juin 2005 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement du comité de suivi de la mise en �"uvre des principes de l'initiative de transparence des industries extractives.Date of text: 16 June 2005.Relevance: [ Read full text ][LEX-FAOC141780] CameroonArrêté n°022/MINMEE du 28 septembre 2001 précisant certaines conditions d'exercice des activités du secteur pétrolier aval.Date of text: 28 September 2001.Relevance: [ Read full text ][LEX-FAOC141890] CameroonDécret N° 2014/575 du 19 décembre 2014 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement du Comité de suivi de la mise en �"uvre du Plan d'Urgence triennal pour l'accélération de la croissance économique.Date of text: 19 December 2014.Relevance: [ Read full text ][LEX-FAOC141886] Cameroon ; NigerLoi n°2014/012 du 18 juillet 2014 autorisant le Président de la République à ratifier l'accord entre la République du Niger et la République du Cameroun, signé le 30 octobre 2013, relatif au transit, à travers le territoire de la République du Cameroun, des hydrocarbures en provenance de la République du Niger et leur évacuation à travers le Pipeline Tchad-Cameroun.Date of text: 30 October 2013.Relevance: [ Read full text ][LEX-FAOC080485] Algeria ; Angola ; Benin ; Burkina Faso ; Burundi ; Cameroon ; Chad ; Comoros ; Congo ; Congo, Dem. Rep. of ; Côte d'Ivoire ; Djibouti ; Egypt ; Equatorial Guinea ; Ethiopia ; Gambia ; Ghana ; Guinea ; Guinea-Bissau ; Kenya ; Lesotho ; Liberia ; Libya ; Madagascar ; Mali ; Mauritania ; Mauritius ; Mozambique ; Namibia ; Niger ; Rwanda ; Senegal ; Sierra Leone ; Somalia ; Sudan ; Swaziland ; Tanzania, Un. Rep. of ; Togo ; Tunisia ; Uganda ; ZambiaConvention de la commission africaine de l’énergie.Date of text: 11 July 2001.Relevance: [ Read full text ][LEX-FAOC085744] Angola ; Cameroon ; Congo ; Congo, Dem. Rep. of ; Gabon ; Equatorial Guinea ; Nigeria ; Sao Tome and PrincipeLoi n° 07/2004 autorisant la ratification de l'accord sur l'exploitation et la production des hydrocarbures dans une zone maritime d'intérêt commun signé entre la République Démocratique du Congo et la République d'Angola.Date of text: 30 July 2007.Relevance: [ Read full text ]