Maison du Fer est une maison de négoce composée de 3 magasins organisés autour du libre service sur des surfaces de vente de 1000 m².
Ce qu’on trouve exclusivement dans nos magasins, c’est la vente de l’élément fer et de tous ses dérivés. De la métallurgie à la quincaillerie, Maison du Fer rassemble des matériaux bruts comme de la tôle noire, du fer plat ou des tubes serruriers, des produits semi-finis comme des arceaux de pergola, des cintres de portail et des produits finis comme des portails, du mobilier intérieur et extérieur en fer forgé, des gardes corps ou des pergolas…
La commercialisation des produits de l’enseigne part donc d’une matière première et propose tous les produits qui peuvent en découler sur un même site. Maison du Fer a développé une offre conceptualisée et propose une large gamme de produits tout en marquant une identité. Avec ce large choix du produit brut au produit fini, le réseau de distribution touche à la fois les professionnels de la ferronnerie, les amateurs de bricolage et les particuliers.
Maison du Fer laisse ainsi l’arbitrage de faire soi même ou de faire faire .
The iron House is a trading house consisting of 3 stores organized around the free service on sale of 1000 m² surfaces.What is found exclusively in our stores, it is the sale of the iron element and all its derivatives. The metallurgy at the hardware store, home of iron brings together raw materials such as the black plate, flat iron tubes locksmiths, semi-finished products such as pergola poles, hangers of portal and finished products such as portals, indoor and outdoor wrought iron furniture, body guards or pergolas...The marketing of the products of the brand share therefore a raw material and offers all products that can arise on the same site. The iron House has developed a dignified offer and offers a wide range of products while marking an identity. With this wide range of gross product to the finished product, the distribution system affects both the ironwork professionals, DIY enthusiasts and individuals.The iron House so lets arbitration to itself or to do.

Home of the iron is a trading house composed of 3 stores organized around the free service on surfaces of sale of 1000 sq. m.
what is found exclusively in our stores, it is the sale of the element iron and all its derivatives. Of the metallurgy in the hardware store, home of the Iron gathers the raw materials as of the black plate, the flat iron or tubes locksmiths,The semi-finished products such as roll-hoops of pergola, hangers of portal and the finished products such as portals, the interior furnishings and outside wrought iron, guards corps or of the pergolas ...
The marketing of products of the taught part therefore of a raw material and offers all the products that can arise on a same site.Home of the iron has developed an offer conceptualized and offers a wide range of products while marking an identity. With this wide choice of the raw product to the finished product, the distribution network key at a time the professionals of the metalwork, the lovers of diy and individuals.
Home of the Iron thus leaves the arbitration to make itself or to make .