Si on tentait de produire le rendu d’une rivière, cela pourrait
faire. Mais ici, on veut créer une surface d’eau statique.
Pour avoir notre effet, on va aller chercher une deuxième
normale (n2) dans la carte de texture. Par contre, pour cette
autre normale, au lieu d’ajouter l’offset aux coordonnées
de texture, on va soustraire cet offset, de sorte que l’on aura
deux normales extraites dans des directions opposées dans
if we tried to produce the record of a river, it may be
. but here we want to create a static water surface.
for our purpose, we will get a second normal
(n2) in the texture map. By cons, for this
other normal, instead of adding the offset to the texture coordinates
, we will subtract the offset, so that it will
two normal extracted in opposite directions

If an attempt to produce the rendering of a river, it could
do. But here, we want to create a surface of water static.
to have our effect, we will go for a second
normal (n2) in the texture map. On the other hand, for this
other normal, instead of adding the offset to the coordinates
texture, we will subtract this offset, so that there will be
.two normal extracted in directions opposite in

If one tried to produce returned of a river, that pourrait
faire. But here, one wants to create a water statique.
Pour surface to have our effect, one will seek a deuxième
normale (N2) in the chart of texture. On the other hand, for cette
autre normal, instead of adding the offset to the coordonnées
de texture, one will withdraw this offset, so that one aura
two normals extracted in directions opposed in