[LEX-FAOC141788] Cameroon
Stopped No. 00029/029 of MINMEE June 05, 2003 specifying the rules of functioning of the national commission of petroleum products.
Date of text: 05 June 2003.
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[LEX-FAOC141786] Cameroon
arrested No023/MINMEE of 28 September 2001 laying down the level,The geographical areas of storage and the conditions for the management and control of the regulatory stocks of petroleum products.
Date of text: 28 September 2001.
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[LEX-FAOC141791] Cameroon
joint decree No.0046/98/MINMEE/MINOIC the July 03, 1998 on approval of the specifications of petroleum products sold in Cameroon.
Date of text: 03 July 1998.
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[LEX-FAOC141787] Cameroon
Stopped No. 01/98 ONLY A of MINMEE January 05, 1998 laying down the procedures for the location of stations for the distribution of petroleum products.
Date of text: 05 January 1998.
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[LEX-FAOC141794] Cameroon
Joint Decree No.025/MINMEE/MINEFI/MINDIC of October 05, 2001 laying down the level of surety intended to the coverage of the commitments of the operators of the oil sector downstream toward the State.
Date of text: 05 October 2001.
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[LEX-FAOC141796] Cameroon
Joint Decree No. 0010 /MINMEE/MINCI of 13/02/ 87with approval of the national standard of manufacture of mixed bottles to liquefied petroleum gas.
Date of text: 13 February 1987.
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[LEX-FAOC141878] Cameroon
Ordinance No. 2014-001 of the July 07, 2014 on the reduction of the special tax on petroleum products (TSPP) and of certain taxes owed by the carriers of persons and goods.
Date of text: 07 July 2014.
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[LEX-FAOC050056] Cameroon
Decree No. 2003/1397 amending and supplementing articles 1,2 AND 4 of the decree no. 2002/1721/PM of 8 October 2002specifying the rules of base, control and recovery within the framework of the program to secure the revenue of mines, water and energy.
Date of text: 10 July 2003.
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[LEX-FAOC141776] Cameroon
Arrested 053 /CAB/PM of March 02, 2011 on the establishment of a steering committee and monitoring of economic feasibility studies and detailed bankable in view of the realization of projects to supply the market with gas and petroleum products.
Date of text: 02 March 2011.
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[LEX-FAOC141771] Cameroon
Decree No.95/135 /PM of March 03, 1993 amending certain provisions of decree No.77/528 the December 23, 1977 regulations concerning the storage and distribution of petroleum products.
Date of text: 03 March 1993.
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[LEX-FAOC141801] Cameroon
Joint Decree No. 000012/2004/MINMEE/MINDIC amending and approval of certain specifications of gasoline manufactured, imported and released for consumption in Cameroon.
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[LEX-FAOC141777] Cameroon
arrested No016/MINMEE/ of 13 July 1995 laying down the detailed rules and the procedure for the control of petroleum products.
Date of text: 13 July 1995.
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[LEX-FAOC141780] Cameroon
arrested no022/MINMEE of 28 September 2001 specifying certain conditions of exercise of the activities of the oil industry downstream.
Date of text: 28 September 2001.
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[LEX-FAOC050031] Cameroon
Act no.99/13 laying code tanker.
Date of text: 22 December 1999.
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[LEX-FAOC050035] Cameroon
Decree No. 2000/465 laying down the procedures for the application of Act No. 99/013 of 22 December 1999 establishing the code tanker.
Date of text: 30 June 2000.
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[LEX-FAOC078298] Cameroon
Decree No. 2000/465 of application of the code tanker.
Date of text: 28 February 2005.
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[LEX-FAOC141886] Cameroon ; Niger
Law no.2014/012 of July 18, 2014 authorizing the President of the Republic to ratify the agreement between the Republic of Niger and the Republic of Cameroon, signed the October 30, 2013, relating to the transit through the territory of the Republic of Cameroon, the hydrocarbons from the Republic of the Niger and their evacuation through the Chad-cameroon Pipeline .
Date of text: 30 October 2013.
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[LEX-FAOC085744] Angola; Cameroon; Congo; Congo, Req. Rep. of ; Gabon; Equatorial Guinea; Nigeria; Sao Tome and Principe
Act No. 07/2004 07/2004 07/2004 authorising the ratification of the agreement on the exploitation and production of hydrocarbons in a maritime area of common interest signed between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Angola.