the addendum of the hierarchical structure of the document to amend. the provisions of the cps shall take precedence over those of cpc. the tenderer shall be deemed to be in possession of the ccafg, pgsps, gtcc, ccls is aware of, and have been included. the ccafg, gtcc, pgsps are available on the web site of the onee industry electricity at: http: / / / / / / / / / / / / / / vendors. the minister's powers, duties and functions at the level of the ccls - t are given to the director general of the onee. article 7. the documents annexed to the contract, shall be annexed to this contract: "declaration of integrity, security, model group final agreement (in the case of the group), and planning of work.- list of equipment proposed by the holder of the call for tenders and selected by the onee - the - sheets of the material values.). (1) section 13.1 client and contractor of the owner. onee, branch power represented by the director general of the onee or the delegate. the supervisor: management system. (1) section 13.subcontracting in the 4 components of the market can be as follows: - installation and assembly of cable opgw under voltage on the line 225kv "," the entrepreneurest khenifra errachidia, as far as possible, if he intends to subcontract part of the contract.the trust service providers located in morocco, and in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises. the purchase of equipment to implement can be contracted. the supervision and control of the construction site shall be provided by the contractor's personnel.