Marque du produit : 1KW Dragline tower
Code du produit : HF045
Fournisseur : Hopeful Wind Energy Technology Co., Ltd
Le Mât de l’éolienne sera de type tubulaire haubané basculant de 12m de hauteur selon les caractéristiques suivant :
Structure aluminium tubulaire haubanée composée d'éléments 3m visé en brides.
Le mât est fournie équipé de ses haubans :
4 tubes de 3m,
3 manchons,
8 haubans,
1 sommet de fixation de l'éolienne,
1 support de base avec ses pieux,
4 piquets d'ancrage pour les haubans,
Divers accessoires et notice d'installation.
Longueur de 12 m.
Le montage du mât sera assuré par une gym pôle, ici-bas une description :
The product brand: 1KW Dragline towerProduct code: HF045Supplier: Hopeful Wind Energy Technology Co., Ltd.The mast of the wind turbine will be rocking guyed tubular type of 12 m in height according to the following characteristics:Guyed tubular aluminium structure composed of elements 3 m in brackets. The mast comes equipped with its shrouds:4 tubes of 3 m, 3 sleeves,8 guys,1 top of fixation of the wind turbine,1 base support with her stakes,4 spike anchors for the shrouds,Various accessories and installation instructions.Length of 12 m.The Assembly of the mast will be provided by gym pole, below a description:

Product Brand: 1KW Dragline tower
Product Code: HF045
Supplier: Hopeful Wind Energy Technology Co. , Ltd
the mast of the wind turbine will be tubular type tilting stayed within 12m of height according to the following characteristics :
Structure tubular aluminum utility composed of elements 3m aims in flanges.
The mast is supplied fitted with its guy wires :
4 tubes of 3m,
3 sleeves,
8 guy wires,
1 Summit of mounting of the turbine,
1 Basic support with its pious,
4 picket line anchor for the guy wires,
Various accessories and installation instruction.
length of 12 m.
The mounting of the mast will be ensured by a gym pole, here below a description: