Research on "The study of the relationship between organization culture and the commitment of personnel to the organization of Sub-district administration organization of Nong Kom, Muang District, Nongkhai Province" has 1 objective. To study organization Culture 2. To study the commitments of individuals to the organization 3. To study the relationship between the Organization's culture and the engagement of the people of the Nong Kom Sub District Administration organization Muang District, Nong Khai Province The researchers collected information from respondents from the population, the people in the Nong Kom District administration organization. Total 50 people in data analysis use descriptive statistics by analyzing the frequency values, percentage values, averages, and standard deviation, and use correlation coefficient statistics. In finding the correlation value, the study showed that 1. Organization culture of personnel in the organization Nong Kom Sub District service Most people have an opinion with the organization's culture. In descending order, the culture of the mission is a secondary and cultural adjustment. Cultural, unity, and cultural aspects of participation, respectively. 2. Commitment of personnel to the organisation, including personnel in the Nong Kom Sub District Administration organization. The level of commitment to the Organization is very high, and considering the commitment to the three-sided organization can be sorted in the average order of 1). Confidence and acceptance of the Organization's values 2) the willingness to be devoted to fully work for the organization and 3) is a strong desire to keep the members of the next organization. 3. The relationship between the Organization and the Organization has three aspects, the organization's culture has a relationship with commitment to the organization of confidence and acceptance of the core values of the organization of the willingness to be dedicated to the organization and the desire to keep the membership of the next organization. Statistically significant at level 0.01