100:03:32,229 --> 00:03:34,802Un, deux, trois, quatre !200:04:03,502 -的英文翻譯

100:03:32,229 --> 00:03:34,802Un, d

00:03:32,229 --> 00:03:34,802
Un, deux, trois, quatre !

00:04:03,502 --> 00:04:04,057
Prêts ?

00:05:51,209 --> 00:05:51,969
Leoncavallo ?

00:05:54,597 --> 00:05:57,143
Les enfants doivent respecter
leurs parents

00:05:57,142 --> 00:05:58,015
Qu'ils le veuillent ou non

00:06:00,203 --> 00:06:01,360
Bonjour, capitaine.

00:06:04,169 --> 00:06:06,555
Cap. Hanson,
je suis Giovanni Borghese

00:06:06,556 --> 00:06:09,003
je vous présente
mon fils Leoncavallo

00:06:10,582 --> 00:06:12,743
Hein que c'est un vrai
capitaine, fiston !

00:06:13,334 --> 00:06:14,304
Le capitaine, c'est lui

00:06:17,264 --> 00:06:18,218
Bonjour, capitaine.

00:06:18,219 --> 00:06:19,583
Buon giorno !

00:06:19,601 --> 00:06:22,760
Merci, le bateau est joli,
n'est-ce pas Leoncavallo ?

00:06:23,359 --> 00:06:24,507
Rome est jolie.

00:06:33,960 --> 00:06:35,116
Capitaine Hanson ?

00:06:37,017 --> 00:06:38,817
Je suis
la plongeuse Toshi.

00:06:39,203 --> 00:06:40,389
Ah, oui

00:06:44,934 --> 00:06:45,714
Et les autres ?

00:06:46,810 --> 00:06:47,422
Elles sont ici.

00:06:48,423 --> 00:06:52,076
Nous voudrions bénir le bateau
et ses passagers.

00:06:52,655 --> 00:06:53,812
Ce sera un honneur.

00:07:30,157 --> 00:07:33,045
Bien, messieurs, ça suffit.
Au travail !

00:07:40,894 --> 00:07:43,501
Regardez capitaine,
un véritable bijou !

00:07:43,715 --> 00:07:44,145
Un moment, s'il vous plaît

00:07:45,346 --> 00:07:46,665
Chauffez les machines,
ça ne va plus être long

00:07:46,703 --> 00:07:47,441
Bien monsieur.

00:07:48,194 --> 00:07:48,751
Quoi ?

00:07:49,195 --> 00:07:50,837
Un véritable bijou
n'est-ce pas ?

00:07:52,413 --> 00:07:52,748
Oh oui.

00:07:54,422 --> 00:07:56,149
Vous ferez attention
en la chargeant, hein ?

00:07:56,581 --> 00:07:57,705
On s'en occupera

00:07:58,986 --> 00:07:59,709
C'est vous qui l'avez construite ?

00:08:00,065 --> 00:08:03,396
Oui, avec l'aide coûteuse
de 50 indigènes

00:08:05,889 --> 00:08:07,508
Un monstre merveilleux !

00:08:08,019 --> 00:08:09,140
"Butterfly 3"

00:08:10,344 --> 00:08:11,499
Vous croyez qu'elle marchera ?

00:08:12,061 --> 00:08:13,888
J'ai corrigé ce qui a fait
couler les deux premières

00:08:14,586 --> 00:08:15,188
Ah oui ?

00:08:17,081 --> 00:08:18,585
Tout cet argent investi
dans mes expériences ruineuses

00:08:20,702 --> 00:08:21,594
J'étais riche, avant,
vous savez

00:08:22,810 --> 00:08:23,496
Vraiment riche

00:08:27,058 --> 00:08:27,802
Vous croyez que ça marchera ?

00:08:29,684 --> 00:08:30,612
Elle a intérêt

00:09:27,235 --> 00:09:31,214
David ! ces gens se sont
trompés de quai, non ?

00:09:31,811 --> 00:09:34,140
Pas du tout, Chris.
Ce sont tes passagers.

00:09:34,141 --> 00:09:37,040
Il y en a 30;
ils vont à l'île de Madura.

00:09:37,620 --> 00:09:39,587
30 passagers ?
Je ne vais pas à Madura !

00:09:40,336 --> 00:09:42,253
Quel autre bateau passera
là-bas à part le tien ?

00:09:42,879 --> 00:09:44,158
Un moment, voulez-vous

00:09:46,878 --> 00:09:49,565
Tu tiens à naviguer par
la route du volcan furieux ?

00:09:50,160 --> 00:09:51,362
Le Krakatoa se met rarement en colère.

00:09:51,915 --> 00:09:53,160
Ça fait 200 ans qu'il est paisible

00:09:53,909 --> 00:09:57,100
Eloigne ces prisonniers
de mon bateau, s'il te plait.

00:09:57,651 --> 00:09:59,659
Je peux t'offrir 2 livres par tête.

00:10:00,598 --> 00:10:03,053
Nous ne sommes pas équipés
pour transporter des condamnés.

00:10:03,457 --> 00:10:05,335
Allez, Chris, ne te fâche pas

00:10:08,602 --> 00:10:10,426
Quatre livres par tête.
Qu'en dis-tu ?

00:10:10,775 --> 00:10:11,695
Que c'est une folie !

00:10:11,895 --> 00:10:13,096
Allez, signe le papier

00:10:13,096 --> 00:10:14,773
Il n'y a pas de place.
Où vais-je les mettre ?

00:10:14,973 --> 00:10:16,244
Ben, dans la soute.

00:10:16,471 --> 00:10:19,159
Dans la soute, avec cette chaleur ?
Ils vont grimper par le mât !

00:10:19,410 --> 00:10:21,901
Ils ne monteraient pas très haut,
ils sont enchaînés, les pauvres

00:10:21,901 --> 00:10:24,534
Je n'ai pas de provisions.
Ils ne vont pas manger leurs chaînes

00:10:24,830 --> 00:10:27,096
Leurs provisions sont là-bas,
prêtes à être embarquées.

00:10:27,713 --> 00:10:31,088
Chris, tu n'as pas d'échappatoire.
C'est une affaire de gouvernement.

00:10:31,414 --> 00:10:33,650
A moins que tu décides de ne pas
partir et voir ton bateau réquisitionné

00:10:39,724 --> 00:10:40,898
Affaire de gouvernement !

00:10:44,129 --> 00:10:46,231
Préparez votre bijou
pour être embarqué.

00:10:57,620 --> 00:10:59,160
Qu'ils montent à bord.

00:10:59,837 --> 00:11:01,366
Vous avez entendu,
vous pouvez monter.

00:11:02,052 --> 00:11:03,385
En haut !

00:11:10,347 --> 00:11:11,587
Allons, allons.

00:11:25,426 --> 00:11:26,659
Eh bien, eh bien !

00:11:27,160 --> 00:11:29,034
C'est donc ça, le Batavia Queen !

00:11:33,879 --> 00:11:35,567
Pourquoi l'appelle-t-on Batavia ?

00:11:37,328 --> 00:11:38,023
Quoi ?

00:11:38,224 --> 00:11:40,709
Le bateau! Pourquoi on
l'appelle Batavia Queen?

00:11:41,833 --> 00:11:43,618
Ben, parce qu'à l'origine,
c'était son port d'attache

00:11:45,113 --> 00:11:46,651
Batavia, la Batavie

00:11:47,660 --> 00:11:48,660

00:11:49,678 --> 00:11:52,038
C'est amusant. Je n'ai jamais
pensé à une pareille chose.

00:11:52,722 --> 00:11:54,394
Un bateau avec un foyer !

00:11:55,161 --> 00:11:56,192
C'est vous, monsieur Hanson ?

00:11:56,742 --> 00:11:58,159
Oui, c'est moi

00:11:58,868 --> 00:12:00,145
Gardez ça un moment

00:12:03,692 --> 00:12:07,083
Je m'appelle Charley.
Fêtes, mariages et divertissements

00:12:07,388 --> 00:12:08,691
Soprano ? Vous chantez ?

00:12:08,942 --> 00:12:09,663

00:12:10,255 --> 00:12:11,040
Hanson ?

00:12:11,040 --> 00:12:11,679

00:12:11,679 --> 00:12:12,932
Je suis Harry Connerly

00:12:12,932 --> 00:12:14,166
Oui, je sais

00:12:14,835 --> 00:12:16,534
C'est le meilleur plongeur qui existe

00:12:16,963 --> 00:12:18,259
J’en suis sûr

00:12:19,566 --> 00:12:21,098
Ca sera un travail difficile, non ?

00:12:21,338 --> 00:12:22,222

00:12:23,285 --> 00:12:24,337
A quelle profondeur ?

00:12:24,631 --> 00:12:29,463
Bon, selon la carte, s'il est là
où nous croyons, à quelques 18 brasses.

00:12:30,589 --> 00:12:34,143
18 brasses... 48 moins 4 ...

00:12:35,537 --> 00:12:37,181
Oui, ça fait 108 pieds

00:12:38,401 --> 00:12:39,697
On partage les bénéfices ?

00:12:40,478 --> 00:12:42,114
Bien sûr, c'est la règle

00:12:42,972 --> 00:12:44,034
Dans quelles proportions ?

00:12:44,972 --> 00:12:45,682

00:12:46,007 --> 00:12:47,632
Je peux avoir
une petite avance ?

00:12:47,943 --> 00:12:50,535
Non, non.
On partage à égalité

00:12:51,223 --> 00:12:54,104
Je ne sais pas.
Dites, capitaine

00:12:55,133 --> 00:12:57,254
Si je dis non,
vous avez quelqu'un d'autre ?

00:12:57,693 --> 00:12:59,881
Eh bien, je peux toujours
descendre moi-même ...

00:13:02,859 --> 00:13:04,251
Mais c'est sûr que vous le
ferez mieux que moi

00:13:04,563 --> 00:13:05,469
C'est sûr.

00:13:05,813 --> 00:13:07,162
Mais j'ai besoin de cette avance.

00:13:07,379 --> 00:13:08,864
Je ne peux pas, je regrette.

00:13:10,008 --> 00:13:11,329
Combien y a-t-il
de condamnés à bord ?

00:13:12,468 --> 00:13:13,091

00:13:13,080 --> 00:13:13,844
Trente ?

00:13:14,145 --> 00:13:17,707
Je sais que le gouvernement
paie 2 à 4 livres par tête.

00:13:18,925 --> 00:13:20,273
Et je pense que
vous avez obtenu 4.

00:13:21,022 --> 00:13:21,924
C'est vrai

00:13:22,567 --> 00:13:24,438
Vous pourriez me donner 60,
la moitié

00:13:26,564 --> 00:13:27,439
Vous êtes tellement fauché ?

00:13:27,724 --> 00:13:28,813

00:13:30,423 --> 00:13:30,971

00:13:32,346 --> 00:13:34,028
Courtoisie du gouvernement

00:13:47,533 --> 00:13:48,409
Amenez-la sur le bateau

00:13:54,211 --> 00:13:55,877
Un peu plus

00:14:10,591 --> 00:14:11,381

00:14:18,958 --> 00:14:19,664

00:14:21,367 --> 00:14:23,132
Regarde ce que j'ai trouvé
sur le quai

00:14:34,164 --> 00:14:35,444
Tu as entendu,
au sujet du Krakatoa ?

00:14:35,778 --> 00:14:37,651
Oui, je suis au courant

00:14:41,804 --> 00:14:42,662
Les autres sont arrivés ?

00:14:43,287 --> 00:14:44,324
Oui, monte

00:14:46,351 --> 00:14:48,001
Attention !

00:15:31,388 --> 00:15:32,682
Machines toutes !

00:15:42,876 --> 00:15:44,466
Levez l'ancre !

00:17:18,281 --> 00:17:19,106
Danzig !

00:18:02,929 --> 00:18:03,547

00:18:10,405 --> 00:18:11,107

00:18:29,972 --> 00:18:30,619
Salut, Lester

00:18:32,556 --> 00:18:33,615

00:18:35,446 --> 00:18:36,691
Alors, tu y es arrivé
finalement, hein ?

00:18:39,206 --> 00:18:39,960
Comment c'est arrivé ?

00:18:42,435 --> 00:18:43,971
Eh bien, à cause
d'une partie de cartes

00:18:46,545 --> 00:18:47,493
J'ai tué un homme

00:18:55,458 --> 00:18:56,499

00:19:02,563 --> 00:19:03,484
à Madura ?

00:19:04,655 --> 00:19:05,475

00:19:11,593 --> 00:19:13,704
Qui est le nouveau chef machiniste ?

00:19:15,657 --> 00:19:16,354

00:19:18,055 --> 00:19:19,111
Un homme bien

00:19:19,733 --> 00:19:20,687
très bien

00:19:21,955 --> 00:19:22,865
Il a beaucoup appris

00:19:24,305 --> 00:19:24,946

00:19:31,709 --> 00:19:33,259
Si je peux faire quelque
chose pour toi...

00:19:37,808 --> 00:19:38,993
Laissez-moi sur le pont

00:19:41,618 --> 00:19:42,463
Respirer l'air pur

00:19:43,866 --> 00:19:44,863
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
100:03:32, 229--> 00:03:34, 802One, two, three, four!200:04:03, 502--> 00:04:04, 057Loans?300:05:51, 209--> 00:05:51, 969Leoncavallo?400:05:54, 597--> 00:05:57, 143Children must meettheir parents500:05:57, 142--> 00:05:58, 015Regardless of whether or not they want600:06:00, 203--> 00:06:01, 360Hello, master.700:06:04, 169--> 00:06:06, 555Cap. Hanson,I am Giovanni Borghese800:06:06, 556--> 00:06:09, 003I present to youMy son Leoncavallo900:06:10, 582--> 00:06:12, 743Huh that's a realCaptain, son!1000:06:13, 334--> 00:06:14, 304The captain, it is him1100:06:17, 264--> 00:06:18, 218Hello, master.1200:06:18, 219--> 00:06:19, 583Buon giorno !1300:06:19, 601--> 00:06:22, 760Thank you, the boat is nice,is this not Leoncavallo?1400:06:23, 359--> 00:06:24, 507Rome is pretty.1500:06:33, 960--> 00:06:35, 116Captain Hanson?1600:06:37, 017--> 00:06:38, 817I amthe diver Toshi.1700:06:39, 203--> 00:06:40, 389Ah, Yes1800:06:44, 934--> 00:06:45, 714And the others?1900:06:46, 810--> 00:06:47, 422They are here.2000:06:48, 423--> 00:06:52, 076We would like to bless the vesseland its passengers.2100:06:52, 655--> 00:06:53, 812It will be an honor.2200:07:30, 157--> 00:07:33, 045Well, gentlemen, enough is enough.At work!2300:07:40, 894--> 00:07:43, 501Watch captain,a true gem!2400:07:43, 715--> 00:07:44, 145A moment, please2500:07:45, 346--> 00:07:46, 665Heat machines,It will no longer be long2600:07:46, 703--> 00:07:47, 441Although Mr.2700:07:48, 194--> 00:07:48, 751What?2800:07:49, 195--> 00:07:50, 837A true gemis not it?2900:07:52, 413--> 00:07:52, 748Oh Yes.3000:07:54, 422--> 00:07:56, 149Get attentionby loading, huh?3100:07:56, 581--> 00:07:57, 705Will be dealt3200:07:58, 986--> 00:07:59, 709It is you who built it?3300:08:00, 065--> 00:08:03, 396Yes, with costly aidof 50 indigenous3400:08:05, 889--> 00:08:07, 508A wonderful Monster!3500:08:08, 019--> 00:08:09, 140"Butterfly 3"3600:08:10, 344--> 00:08:11, 499Do you think it will work?3700:08:12, 061--> 00:08:13, 888I have corrected what maderun the first two3800:08:14, 586--> 00:08:15, 188Ah yes?3900:08:17, 081--> 00:08:18, 585All this money investedin my ruinous experiences4000:08:20, 702--> 00:08:21, 594I was rich before,You know4100:08:22, 810--> 00:08:23, 496Really rich4200:08:27, 058--> 00:08:27, 802You think it works?4300:08:29, 684--> 00:08:30, 612It has an interest4400:09:27, 235--> 00:09:31, 214David! These people aredeceived dock, no?4500:09:31, 811--> 00:09:34, 140Not at all, Chris.These are your passengers.4600:09:34, 141--> 00:09:37, 040There are 30; they go to the island of Madura.4700:09:37, 620--> 00:09:39, 58730 passengers? I'm not going to Madura!4800:09:40, 336--> 00:09:42, 253What other boat happenthere other than yours?4900:09:42, 879--> 00:09:44, 158A moment, do you want5000:09:46, 878--> 00:09:49, 565You would like to browse bythe road to the furious volcano?5100:09:50, 160--> 00:09:51, 362Krakatoa is angry rarely.5200:09:51, 915--> 00:09:53, 160It's been 200 years that it is peaceful5300:09:53, 909--> 00:09:57, 100Away these prisonersmy boat is it you please.5400:09:57, 651--> 00:09:59, 659I can offer you 2 pounds per head.5500:10:00, 598--> 00:10:03, 053We are not equipped to transport prisoners.5600:10:03, 457--> 00:10:05, 335Come on, Chris, don't get mad5700:10:08, 602--> 00:10:10, 426Four pounds per head.What do you say?5800:10:10, 775--> 00:10:11, 695That it is folly!5900:10:11, 895--> 00:10:13, 096Go, sign the paper6000:10:13, 096--> 00:10:14, 773It has no place.Where do I put them?6100:10:14, 973--> 00:10:16, 244Ben, in the cargo bay.6200:10:16, 471--> 00:10:19, 159In the hold, with this heat?They will climb by the mast!6300:10:19, 410--> 00:10:21, 901They would not high risethey are chained, the poor6400:10:21, 901--> 00:10:24, 534I don't have food.They won't eat their chains6500:10:24, 830--> 00:10:27, 096Their provisions are there,ready to be shipped.6600:10:27, 713--> 00:10:31, 088Chris, you have no escape.It is a matter for Government.6700:10:31, 414--> 00:10:33, 650Unless you decide to notgo and see your commandeered boat6800:10:39, 724--> 00:10:40, 898Case of Government!6900:10:44, 129--> 00:10:46, 231Prepare your jewel to be shipped.7000:10:57, 620--> 00:10:59, 160As they boarded.7100:10:59 837--> 00:11:01, 366You have heard, You can mount.7200:11:02, 052--> 00:11:03, 385Top!7300:11:10, 347--> 00:11:11, 587Come, come.7400:11:25, 426--> 00:11:26, 659Well, well!7500:11:27, 160--> 00:11:29, 034Therefore, ca, Batavia Queen !7600:11:33, 879--> 00:11:35, 567Why it is called Batavia?7700:11:37, 328--> 00:11:38, 023What?7800:11:38, 224--> 00:11:40, 709The boat! Why weIt is called Batavia Queen?7900:11:41, 833--> 00:11:43, 618Ben, because originally, It was her home port8000:11:45, 113--> 00:11:46, 651Batavia, the Batavia8100:11:47, 660--> 00:11:48, 660Java.8200:11:49, 678--> 00:11:52, 038It's fun. I have neverthought about such a thing.8300:11:52, 722--> 00:11:54, 394A boat with a fireplace!8400:11:55, 161--> 00:11:56, 192It is you, Mr Hanson?8500:11:56, 742--> 00:11:58, 159Yes, it's me8600:11:58, 868--> 00:12:00, 145Keep it a moment8700:12:03, 692--> 00:12:07, 083My name is Charley.Feasts, weddings and entertainment8800:12:07, 388--> 00:12:08, 691Soprano? You sing?8900:12:08, 942--> 00:12:09, 663Yes.9000:12:10, 255--> 00:12:11, 040Hanson?9100:12:11, 040--> 00:12:11, 679Yes.9200:12:11, 679--> 00:12:12, 932I'm Harry Connerly9300:12:12, 932--> 00:12:14, 166Yes I know9400:12:14, 835--> 00:12:16, 534It is the best diver that exists9500:12:16, 963--> 00:12:18, 259I'm sure9600:12:19, 566--> 00:12:21, 098It will be hard, not work?9700:12:21, 338--> 00:12:22, 222Exact9800:12:23, 285--> 00:12:24, 337How deep?9900:12:24, 631--> 00:12:29, 463Good, according to the map, if it is therewhere we believe in swim 18.10000:12:30, 589--> 00:12:34, 14318 fathoms... 48 less 4...10100:12:35, 537--> 00:12:37, 181Yes, it's 108 feet10200:12:38, 401--> 00:12:39, 697We share the benefits?10300:12:40, 478--> 00:12:42, 114Of course, this is the rule10400:12:42, 972--> 00:12:44, 034In what proportions?10500:12:44, 972--> 00:12:45, 682Half and half.10600:12:46, 007--> 00:12:47, 632I can havea small forward?10700:12:47, 943--> 00:12:50, 535No, no. We share equal10800:12:51, 104, 223--> 00:12:54I do not know.Say, Captain10900:12:55, 133--> 00:12:57, 254If I say no, do you have someone else?11000:12:57, 693--> 00:12:59, 881Well, I can alwaysget off myself...11100:13:02, 859--> 00:13:04, 251But it sure you thewill do better than me11200:13:04, 563--> 00:13:05, 469That's for sure.11300:13:05, 813--> 00:13:07, 162But I need this advance.11400:13:07, 379,--> 00:13:08, 864I can't, I am sorry.11500:13:10, 008--> 00:13:11, 329How many are there convicts on board?11600:13:12, 468--> 00:13:13, 091Thirty.11700:13:13, 080--> 00:13:13, 844Thirty?11800:13:14, 145--> 00:13:17, 707I know that the Governmentpays 2 to 4 pounds per head.11900:13:18, 925--> 00:13:20, 273And I think that you got 4.12000:13:21, 022--> 00:13:21, 924It is true12100:13:22, 567--> 00:13:24, 438You could give me 60, half12200:13:26, 564--> 00:13:27, 439You are so broke?12300:13:27, 724--> 00:13:28, 813Yes12400:13:30, 423--> 00:13:30, 971All right12500:13:32, 346--> 00:13:34, 028Courtesy of the Government12600:13:47, 533--> 00:13:48, 409Take it on the boat12700:13:54, 211--> 00:13:55, 877A little more12800:14:10, 591--> 00:14:11, 381Thank you12900:14:18, 958--> 00:14:19, 664Welcome13000:14:21, 367--> 00:14:23, 132Look what I found on the quay13100:14:34, 164--> 00:14:35, 444You have heard, about the Krakatoa?13200:14:35, 778--> 00:14:37, 651Yes, I am aware13300:14:41, 804--> 00:14:42, 662The other arrived?13400:14:43, 287--> 00:14:44, 324Yes, monte13500:14:46, 351--> 00:14:48, 001Attention!13600:15:31, 388--> 00:15:32, 682Machines all!13700:15:42, 876-> 00:15:44, 466Raise the anchor!13800:17:18, 281--> 00:17:19, 106Danzig!13900:18:02, 929--> 00:18:03, 547Are going to14000:18:10, 405--> 00:18:11, 107Come down 14100:18:29, 972-> 00:18:30, 619Hi, Lester14200:18:32, 556--> 00:18:33, 615Captain14300:18:35, 446-> 00:18:36, 691Then, you cameFinally, huh?14400:18:39, 206--> 00:18:39, 960How it happened?14500:18:42, 435--> 00:18:43, 971EH well, to cause part of cards14600:18:46, 545-> 00:18:47, 493I killed a man14700:18:55, 458--> 00:18:56, 499South-South-East14800:19:02, 563--> 00:19:03, 484to Madura?14900:19:04, 655--> 00:19:05, 475Maybe15000:19:11, 593-> 00:19:13, 704Who is the new Chief Machinist?15100:19:15, 657-> 00:19:16, 354Driscoll15200:19:18, 055--> 00:19:19, 111A good man15300:19:19, 733-> 00:19:20, 687Very well15400:19:21, 955-> 00:19:22, 865He has learned a lot15500:19:24, 305--> 00:19:24, 946Yu-suschi15600:19:31, 709-> 00:19:33, 259If I can do somethingthing for you...15700:19:37, 808-> 00:19:38, 993Let me on the bridge15800:19:41, 618-> 00:19:42, 463Breathe fresh air15900:19:43, 866-> 00:19:44, 863Eat
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
00: 03: 32.229 -> 00: 03: 34.802
One, two, three, four! 2 00: 04: 03.502 -> 00: 04: 04.057? Loans 3 00: 05: 51.209 -> 0:05 : 51.969 Leoncavallo? 4 00: 05: 54.597 -> 00: 05: 57.143 The children should respect their parents 5 00: 05: 57.142 -> 00: 05: 58.015 Whether they like it or not 6 0:06: 00.203 -> 00: 06: 01.360 Hello, Captain. 7 00: 06: 04.169 -> 00: 06: 06.555 Cap. Hanson, I am Giovanni Borghese 8 00: 06: 06.556 -> 00: 06: 09.003 I present my son Leoncavallo 9 00: 06: 10.582 -> 00: 06: 12.743 Hein that it is a true captain, son ! 10 00: 06: 13.334 -> 00: 06: 14.304 Captain, he is 11 00: 06: 17,264 -> 00: 06: 18.218 Hello, Captain. 12 00: 06: 18.219 -> 00 : 06: 19.583 Buon giorno! 13 00: 06: 19.601 -> 00: 06: 22.760 Thank you, the boat is pretty, is not it Leoncavallo? 14 00: 06: 23.359 -> 00: 06: 24.507 Rome is beautiful. 15 00: 06: 33.960 -> 00: 06: 35.116 Captain Hanson? 16 00: 06: 37.017 -> 00: 06: 38.817 I'm diver Toshi. 17 00: 06: 39.203 -> 00: 06: 40.389 Oh, right 18 00: 06: 44.934 -> 00: 06: 45.714 And the others? 19 00: 06: 46.810 -> 00: 06: 47.422. They are here 20 00: 06: 48.423 -> 00: 06: 52.076 We want to bless the ship and its passengers. 21 00: 06: 52.655 -> 00: 06: 53.812 It will be an honor. 22 00: 07: 30.157 -> 00: 07: 33.045 Well, gentlemen, that's enough. Get to work! 23 00: 07: 40.894 -> 00: 07: 43.501 Watch captain, a real gem! 24 00: 07: 43.715 -> 00: 07: 44.145 One moment, s' please 25 00: 07: 45.346 -> 00: 07: 46.665 Heat machinery, it will be long 26 00: 07: 46.703 -> 00: 07: 47.441 Well sir. 27 00: 07: 48.194 -> 00: 07: 48.751 What? 28 00: 07: 49.195 -> 00: 07: 50.837 A jewel is not it? 29 00: 07: 52.413 -> 00: 07: 52.748 Oh yes . 30 00: 07: 54.422 -> 00: 07: 56.149 You will be careful by loading, huh? 31 00: 07: 56.581 -> 00: 07: 57.705 It will handle 32 00: 07: 58.986 - -> 00: 07: 59.709 It is you who have built? 33 00: 08: 00.065 -> 00: 08: 03.396 Yes, with the costly assistance of 50 indigenous 34 00: 08: 05.889 -> 00: 08: 07.508 A wonderful monster 35 00: 08: 08.019 -> 00: 08: 09.140 "Butterfly 3" 36 00: 08: 10.344 -> 00: 08: 11.499 You think she work? 37 00 : 08: 12.061 -> 00: 08: 13.888 I corrected what made ​​sink the first two 38 00: 08: 14.586 -> 00: 08: 15.188? Oh yeah 39 00: 08: 17.081 -> 00: 08: 18.585 All that money invested in my ruinous experiences 40 00: 08: 20.702 -> 00: 08: 21.594 I was rich before, you know 41 00: 08: 22.810 -> 00: 08: 23.496 really rich 42 00: 08: 27.058 -> 00: 08: 27.802 You think it will work? 43 00: 08: 29.684 -> 00: 08: 30.612 She interest 44 00: 09: 27.235 -> 00: 09: 31.214 David! these people are deceived dock, right? 45 00: 09: 31.811 -> 00: 09: 34.140 No, Chris. What are your passengers. 46 00: 09: 34.141 -> 00: 09: 37.040 It there are 30; they go to the island of Madura. 47 00: 09: 37.620 -> 00: 09: 39.587 30 passengers? I'm not going to Madura! 48 00: 09: 40.336 -> 0:09 : 42.253 What will other boat there except yours? 49 00: 09: 42.879 -> 00: 09: 44.158 One moment, do you want 50 00: 09: 46.878 -> 00: 09: 49.565 You hold navigate by road Furious volcano? 51 00: 09: 50.160 -> 00: 09: 51.362 The Krakatoa rarely angry. 52 00: 09: 51.915 -> 00: 09: 53.160 It's been 200 years that it is quiet 53 00: 09: 53.909 -> 00: 09: 57,100 Take away the prisoners of my boat, please. 54 00: 09: 57.651 -> 00: 09: 59.659 Can I get you 2 pounds per head. 55 00: 10: 00.598 -> 00: 10: 03.053 We are not equipped to transport prisoners. 56 00: 10: 03.457 -> 00: 10: 05.335 Come on, Chris, do not get mad not 57 00: 10: 08.602 -> 00: 10: 10.426 Four pounds a head. What do you say? 58 00: 10: 10.775 -> 00: 10: 11.695 Whether it is madness! 59 00 : 10: 11,895 -> 00: 10: 13.096 Come on, sign the paper 60 00: 10: 13.096 -> 00: 10: 14.773 There is no place. Where do I put them? 61 00: 10: 14.973 -> 00: 10: 16.244 Well, in the hold. 62 00: 10: 16.471 -> 00: 10: 19.159? In the hold, in this heat, they will climb the mast! 63 0:10 : 19.410 -> 00: 10: 21.901 They do not go up very high, they are chained, the poor 64 00: 10: 21.901 -> 00: 10: 24.534 I have no supplies. They will not eat their chains 65 00: 10: 24.830 -> 00: 10: 27.096 Their provisions are there, ready to be shipped. 66 00: 10: 27.713 -> 00: 10: 31.088 Chris, you do not have to . 'escape This is a government affair. 67 00: 10: 31.414 -> 00: 10: 33.650 Unless you decide not to go and see your boat commandeered 68 00: 10: 39.724 -> 00: 10: 40.898 Government Affair! 69 00: 10: 44.129 -> 00: 10: 46.231 Prepare your jewelry to be shipped. 70 00: 10: 57.620 -> 00: 10: 59.160 That they boarded. 71 00: 10: 59.837 -> 00: 11: 01.366 You have heard, you can ride. 72 00: 11: 02.052 -> 00: 11: 03.385! Top 73 00: 11: 10.347 -> 0:11 : 11.587 Now, now. 74 00: 11: 25.426 -> 00: 11: 26.659 Well, well, 75 00: 11: 27.160 -> 00: 11: 29.034 So that's the Batavia Queen! 76 00: 11: 33.879 -> 00: 11: 35.567 Why do we call Batavia? 77 00: 11: 37.328 -> 00: 11: 38.023 What? 78 00: 11: 38.224 -> 00 : 11: 40.709 The boat! Why are we called Batavia Queen? 79 00: 11: 41.833 -> 00: 11: 43.618 Well, because originally, it was his home port 80 00: 11: 45.113 -> 00 : 11: 46.651 Batavia, Batavia 81 00: 11: 47.660 -> 00: 11: 48.660 Java. 82 00: 11: 49.678 -> 00: 11: 52.038 It's fun. I never thought of such a thing. 83 00: 11: 52.722 -> 00: 11: 54.394 A boat with a home! 84 00: 11: 55.161 -> 00: 11: 56.192 That you, Mr. Hanson? 85 00: 11: 56.742 -> 00: 11: 58.159 Yes, that's me 86 00: 11: 58.868 -> 00: 12: 00.145 Keep it a moment 87 00: 12: 03.692 -> 00: 12: 07.083 My name is Charley. Festivities, weddings and entertainment 88 00: 12: 07.388 -> 00: 12: 08.691 Soprano? You sing? 89 00: 12: 08.942 -> 00: 12: 09.663 Yes. 90 00: 12: 10,255 -> 00: 12: 11.040 Hanson? 91 00: 12: 11.040 -> 00: 12: 11.679 Yes . 92 00: 12: 11.679 -> 00: 12: 12.932 I'm Harry Connerly 93 00: 12: 12.932 -> 00: 12: 14.166 Yes, I know 94 00: 12: 14.835 -> 0:12: 16.534 This is the best diver who are 95 00: 12: 16.963 -> 00: 12: 18.259 I'm sure 96 00: 12: 19.566 -> 00: 12: 21.098 It will be hard work, right? 97 00: 12: 21.338 -> 00: 12: 22,222 Exact 98 00: 12: 23.285 -> 00: 12: 24.337 How deep? 99 00: 12: 24.631 -> 00: 12: 29.463 Well, according map, if it's there where we believe, just 18 fathoms. 100 00: 12: 30.589 -> 00: 12: 34.143 18 laps least 4 ... 48 ... 101 00: 12: 35.537 - > 00: 12: 37.181 Yes, it's 108 feet 102 00: 12: 38.401 -> 00: 12: 39.697 We share the benefits? 103 00: 12: 40.478 -> 00: 12: 42.114 Of course, it ' is the rule 104 00: 12: 42.972 -> 00: 12: 44.034 In what proportions? 105 00: 12: 44.972 -> 00: 12: 45.682 Half and half. 106 00: 12: 46.007 -> 00: 12: 47.632 I can have a small advance? 107 00: 12: 47.943 -> 00: 12: 50.535 No, no. We share equal 108 00: 12: 51.223 -> 00: 12: 54.104 I do not know . Say, Captain 109 00: 12: 55.133 -> 00: 12: 57.254 If I say no, you have someone else? 110 00: 12: 57.693 -> 00: 12: 59.881 Well, I can always go down myself ... 111 00: 13: 02.859 -> 00: 13: 04.251 But it is sure that you will do better than me 112 00: 13: 04.563 -> 00: 13: 05.469 C 'sure. 113 00: 13: 05.813 -> 00: 13: 07.162 But I need this advance. 114 00: 13: 07.379 -> 00: 13: 08.864 I can not, I'm sorry. 115 00: 13: 10.008 -> 00: 13: 11.329 How many there convicts on board? 116 00: 13: 12.468 -> 00: 13: 13.091. Thirty 117 00: 13: 13.080 -> 00: 13: 13.844 Thirty? 118 00: 13: 14.145 -> 00: 13: 17.707 I know that the government pays 2-4 pounds per head. 119 00: 13: 18.925 -> 00: 13: 20.273 And I think you got 4. 120 00: 13: 21.022 -> 00: 13: 21.924 That's right 121 00: 13: 22.567 -> 00: 13: 24.438 You could give me 60, half 122 00: 13: 26.564 -> 00: 13: 27.439 You're so broke? 123 00: 13: 27.724 -> 00: 13: 28.813 Yes 124 00: 13: 30.423 -> 00: 13: 30.971 Okay 125 00 : 13: 32.346 -> 00: 13: 34.028 Courtesy of the government 126 00: 13: 47.533 -> 00: 13: 48.409 Take it on the boat 127 00: 13: 54.211 -> 00: 13: 55.877 A just over 128 00: 14: 10.591 -> 00: 14: 11.381 Thank you 129 00: 14: 18.958 -> 00: 14: 19.664 Welcome 130 00: 14: 21.367 -> 00: 14: 23.132 Look what I 'found on the dock 131 00: 14: 34.164 -> 00: 14: 35.444 You've heard about the Krakatoa? 132 00: 14: 35.778 -> 00: 14: 37.651 Yes, I know 133 00: 14: 41.804 -> 00: 14: 42.662 The other arrived? 134 00: 14: 43.287 -> 00: 14: 44.324 Yes, rises 135 00: 14: 46.351 -> 00: 14: 48.001 Warning ! 136 00: 15: 31.388 -> 00: 15: 32.682 machines all! 137 00: 15: 42.876 -> 00: 15: 44.466 the road! 138 00: 17: 18.281 -> 0:17: 19.106 Danzig! 139 00: 18: 02.929 -> 00: 18: 03.547 Let 140 00: 18: 10.405 -> 00: 18: 11.107 Come down 141 00: 18: 29.972 -> 00: 18: 30.619 Hi, Lester 142 00: 18: 32.556 -> 00: 18: 33.615 Captain 143 00: 18: 35.446 -> 00: 18: 36.691 So you arrived there eventually, right? 144 00: 18: 39.206 -> 00: 18: 39.960 How did this happen? 145 00: 18: 42.435 -> 00: 18: 43.971 Well, because a card game 146 00: 18: 46.545 -> 00: 18: 47.493 I ' I killed a man 147 00: 18: 55.458 -> 00: 18: 56.499 South-East 148 00: 19: 02.563 -> 00: 19: 03.484 in Madura? 149 00: 19: 04.655 -> 00 : 19: 05.475 Maybe 150 00: 19: 11.593 -> 00: 19: 13.704 Who is the new leader machinist? 151 00: 19: 15.657 -> 00: 19: 16.354 Driscoll 152 00: 19: 18.055 - -> 00: 19: 19.111 A good man 153 00: 19: 19.733 -> 00: 19: 20.687 very well 154 00: 19: 21.955 -> 00: 19: 22.865 He has learned a lot 155 00: 19: 24.305 -> 00: 19: 24.946 yu-suschi 156 00: 19: 31.709 -> 00: 19: 33.259 If I can do something for you ... 157 00: 19: 37.808 -> 00: 19: 38.993 let me on the bridge 158 00: 19: 41.618 -> 00: 19: 42.463 Breathing clean air 159 00: 19: 43.866 -> 00: 19: 44.863 Eating

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
00:03: 32.229 --> 00:03: 34.802
One, two, three, four !

00:04: 03.502 --> 00:04: 04.057
Loans ?

00:05: 51.209 --> 00:05: 51.969
Leoncavallo ?

00:05: 54.597 --> 00:05: 57.143
children must respect
their parents

00:05: 57.142 --> 00:05: 58.015
whether they want to or non

00:06: 00.203 --> 00:06: 01.360
Hello, capitaine.

00:06: 04.169 --> 00:06: 06.555
Cape. Hanson,
I am Giovanni Borghese

00:06: 06.556 --> 00:06: 09.003
i present to you
my son Leoncavallo

00:06: 10.582 --> 00:06: 12.743
Hein that it is a true
captain, sonny !

00:06: 13.334 --> 00:06: 14.304
The captain, it is lui

00:06: 17.264 --> 00:06: 18.218
Hello, capitaine.

00:06: 18.219 --> 00:06: 19.583
Buon giorno< /i> !

00:06: 19.601 --> 00:06: 22.760
Thank You,The boat is nice,
isn't that Leoncavallo ?

00:06: 23.359 --> 00:06: 24.507
Rome is jolie.

00:06: 33.960 --> 00:06: 35.116
Captain Hanson ?

00:06: 37.017 --> 00:06: 38.817
diver Toshi.

00:06: 39.203 --> 00:06: 40.389
Ah, oui

00:06: 44.934 --> 00:06: 45.714
and other ?

00:06: 46.810 --> 00:06: 47.422
they are ici.

00:06: 48.423 --> 00:06: 52.076
We would like to bless the boat
and its passagers.

00:06: 52.655 --> 00:06: 53.812
This will be a honneur.

00:07: 30.157 --> 00:07: 33.045
Well, gentlemen, that is enough.
at work !

00:07: 40.894 --> 00:07: 43.501
Watch captain,
a real gem !

00:07: 43.715 --> 00:07: 44.145
a moment, is it you plait

00:07: 45.346 --> 00:07: 46.665
Heat all machines,
ca will no longer be long

00:07: 46.703 --> 00:07: 47.441
Well monsieur.

00:07: 48.194 --> 00:07: 48.751
What ?

00:07: 49.195 --> 00:07: 50.837
a real gem
isn't ?

00:07: 52.413 --> 00:07: 52.748
Oh oui.

00:07: 54.422 --> 00:07: 56.149
You will attention
in the loading, hein ?

00:07: 56.581 --> 00:07: 57.705
it occupera

00:07: 58.986 --> 00:07: 59.709
it is you who constructed ?

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