114 objets reconnus dans la méthodologie du projet et susceptibles d’évoluer, regroupent l’ensemble des informations utiles pour le fonctionnement d’ISIS
94 objets concernent la reprise des données DPL
44 nécessitent d’être renseignés manuellement à partir des données des différents systèmes sources (SCT, SMT, SAGES, autres ou encore données inexistantes jusqu’alors)
3 objets sous forme de fichiers, seront intégrés via des programmes dans ISIS
41 seront saisis manuellement dans ISIS (Users, LKU ou Intérimaires)
46 sont extraits automatiquement via des programmes de reprises prédéfinis (SCT, SMT, SAGES ou autres). Néanmoins un enrichissement manuel est quasiment toujours nécessaire
40 objets sous forme de fichiers seront intégrés via des programmes dans ISIS
6 seront saisis manuellement dans ISIS (Users, LKU ou Intérimaires)
3 objets sont intégrés directement depuis R/3 vers Flexnet
17 objets sont hors périmètre DPL
114 objects recognized in the methodology of the project and subject to change, include all information relevant to the operation of isis
94 objects related to the data recovery dpl
44 need to be filled manually from the data different source systems (sct, smt, midwives, or other data previously nonexistent)
3 items as files will be integrated through programs isis
41 will be manually entered into isis (users, LKU or interim)
46 are automatically extracted via programs preset times (sct, smt, or other wise). However, enrichment manual is almost always necessary
40 objects as files will be integrated through programs isis
6 will be manually entered into isis (users, LKU or interim)
3 objects are integrated directly from R / 3 to 17
flexnet objects are outside the scope dpl

114 objects in the project methodology and likely to evolve, bring together all information relevant to the operation of ISIS
94 objects concerning the resumption of the DPL data
44 need to be manually populated using data from different source systems (TBS, SMT, wise, yet data or other non-existent until then)
3 objects in the form of files, will be integrated through programmes in ISIS
41 will be entered manually in ISIS (Users, Bitches or interim)
46 are automatically extracted via preset times programs (TBS, SMT, wise men or other). However a manual enrichment is almost always necessary
40 objects as files will be integrated through programmes in ISIS
6 will be entered manually in ISIS (Users, Bitches or interim)
3 objects are integrated directly from R/3 to Flexnet
17 objects are outside perimeter DPL

114 Objects recognized in the methodology of the project and subject to change, brought together all the information relevant to the operation of ISIS
94 objects relate to the resumption of data DPL
44 require to be entered manually from the data of the different source systems (TBS, SMT, Wise Men, other data or even non-existent until then)
3 Objects in the form of files, will be integrated through programs in ISIS
41 will be entered manually in ISIS (Users, LKU or Interim)
46 are automatically extracted via programs of occasions predefined (TBS, SMT, wise or other). Nevertheless a manual enrichment is almost always necessary
40 objects in the form of files will be integrated via programs in ISIS
6 will be seized manually in ISIS (Users, LKU or Temporaries)
3 objects are integrated directly since R/3 towards Flexnet
17 objects are except perimeter DPL