Dans le cadre de ce travail, vous allez être amené à :- Participer à la conception de toutes les parties de l’application, que ça soit l’application-même (C#, ASP.NET MVC), l’intégration du design (HTML, CSS), l’interactivité (JavaScript) ou l’accès à la base de données (SQL),- Participer à la gestion des tickets qui vous seront assignés par le chef de projet, - Établir une suite de tests unitaires pour les fonctionnalités à implémenter,- Mettre à jour la documentation correspondante.
In this work, you will be required to: - Participate in the design of all parts of the application, it is the application itself (c #, asp.net mvc), the integration of design (html, css), interactivity (JavaScript) or access to the database (sql) - Participate in the management of tickets that will be assigned by the project manager,- Establish a suite of unit tests for features to implement - update documentation.

In this work, you will need to: - participate in the design of all parts of the application, whether the application itself (C#, ASP.NET MVC), the integration of the design (HTML, CSS), interactivity (JavaScript) or access to the database (SQL) - participate in the management of tickets will be assigned to you by the project leader, -Establish a suite of unit tests for features to implement, - update documentation.

Dans the framework of this work, you will be caused to: - To take part in the design of all the parts of the application, that is the application-even (C#, ASP.NET MVC), the integration of the design (HTML, CS), the interactivity (Javascript) or the access to the database (SQL), - To take part in the management of the tickets which will be assigned to you by the project manager,- To establish a succession of unit tests for the features to be implemented, - To update documentation correspondante.