Des Hommes de lettres, première version de Charles Demailly, à Madame Gervaisais, de 1860 à 1869, quelques romans s'étaient succédé, qui étudiaient les milieux littéraires, l'hôpital, la domesticité, la bourgeoisie, la religion.
Men of letters, first version of Charles deejay, Madame Gervaisais from 1860 to 1869, a few novels is were succeeded by who were studying the literary community, hospital, domesticity, the bourgeoisie, religion.

Of the men of letters, the first version of Charles Demailly, to Madame Gervaisais, from 1860 to 1869, a few novels had succeeded, that was studying the literary circles, the hospital, the domesticity, the bourgeoisie, the religion.