[LEX-FAOC001522] CameroonDecree No. 94-259/PM on the establishment of a National Commission Advisory for environment and sustainable development.Date of text: 31 May 1994.Relevance: [Read full text 1] [Read full text 2][LEX-FAOC004157] CameroonDecree No. 95-466/PM laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of wildlife.Date of text: 20 July 1995.Relevance: [Read full text 1] [Read full text 2][LEX-FAOC141904] CameroonOrder No. 016/PM of 22 January 2003 establishing an operational technical unit in the region of Mount Cameroon, Province of South - Western.Date of text: 22 January 2003.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC026715] CameroonDecree No. 99/780 amending and supplementing the provisions of article 3, paragraph 1, of Decree No. 94-259/PM on the establishment of a National Commission Advisory for environment and sustainable development.Date of text: 11 October 1999.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC026726] CameroonDecree No. 99-822-PM laying down the conditions of designation of inspectors and inspectors-assistants classified hazardous, unhealthy, or inconvenient establishments and appliances to gas pressure and pressure of water vapour.Date of text: 09 November 1999.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC034006] CameroonDecree No. 98-345 on the organisation of the Ministry of environment and forests.Date of text: 21 December 1998.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC087866] CameroonDecision No 1297/MINEF/CAB of 28 October 1993 on the establishment of the structures of coordination within the framework of the preparation of the national environmental management plan.Date of text: 28 October 1993.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC026717] CameroonDecree No. 99/818/PM laying down the modalities of implementation and exploitation of classified hazardous, unhealthy, or inconvenient establishments.Date of text: 09 November 1999.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC026719] CameroonDecree No. 99-821-PM laying down the conditions for the approval of the natural or legal persons in inspections, controls and audits of classified hazardous, unhealthy, or inconvenient establishments.Date of text: 09 November 1999.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC050040] CameroonDecree n ° 2003/178 on organisation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the programming and the development of the territory.Date of text: 24 August 2003.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC054401] CameroonDecree n ° 2005/195 on the organisation of the Ministry of planning, development programming and the development of the territory.Date of text: 10 June 2005.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141675] CameroonLaw N ° 98/015 of 14 July 1998 concerning settlements classes dangerous, unhealthy, or inconvenient.Date of text: 14 July 1998.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC036320] CameroonAct No. 99/017 governing the control of quality of soils, materials of construction and geotechnical studies.Date of text: 22 December 1999.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC051949] CameroonDecree n ° 2002/29 name change and reorganization of the mission of studies for the development of the upper Valley of the Benue River.Date of text: 04 February 2002.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC066474] CameroonOrder No 100/PM of 11 August 2006 on the establishment of an interdepartmental Committee of facilitation for the implementation of the sectoral programme forest/environment.Date of text: 11 August 2006.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC026732] CameroonDecree No. 2001/718/PM on the Organization and functioning of the Inter-Ministerial Committee of the environment.Date of text: 03 September 2001.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC066473] CameroonDecree No. 2006/1577/PM amending and supplementing Decree No. 2001/718/PM on the Organization and functioning of the Inter-Ministerial Committee of the environment.Date of text: 11 September 2006.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC026718] CameroonDecree No. 99-820-PM laying down the conditions for the approval of natural and legal persons to the operation of pollution control laboratories.Date of text: 09 November 1999.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC037165] CameroonOrder No. 037/PM of 19 March 2003 on the creation, organization and functioning of a National Observatory of the risks.Date of text: 19 March 2003.Relevance: [Read full text][LEX-FAOC141896] CameroonDecree No. 2005/036 of 7 February 2005 on the ratification of the convention on early notification of a nuclear accident, adopted on 26 September 1986 at Vienna.Date of text: 26 September 1986.Relevance: [Read full text]