Le contractant ne sera pas jugé comme responsable de l'échec ou du retard d’exécution en totalité ou en partie de cet accord dû aux inondations, à une incendie, à un tremblement de terre, à l’ébauche, à la guerre ou à d'autres événements qui n'étaient pas prévus, contrôlés, évités ni maîtrisées par le contractant relatif. Cependant, le contractant affecté par l’événement de la Force majeure devra informer l'autre contractant de son occurrence par écrit dès que possible et envoyer par la suite un certificat de l'événement délivré par les autorités concernées à l'autre contractant dans les 15 jours après son occurrence.
the Contractor shall not be deemed responsible for the failure or delay in performance in whole or in part of this agreement due to flood, a fire, an earthquake, drafting, war or other events that were not planned, controlled, avoided or overcome by the contractor relative. however,the contractor affected by the event of force majeure shall inform the other Contracting State of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate Event issued by the authorities concerned to another contractor within 15 days after its occurrence.

The contractor will not be held responsible for failure or delay in performance in whole or in part this agreement due to the floods, a fire, an earthquake, to the draft, the war or other events that were not planned, controlled, avoided or controlled by the contractor on. However,. the contracting party affected by the Force majeure event shall inform the other Contracting Party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and send a certificate to the event issued by the authorities concerned to the other Contracting Party within 15 days after its occurrence.

The contractor will not be considered as responsible for the failure or delay of execution in whole or in part of this agreement due to floods, a fire, an earthquake, to the draft, to the war or to other events that were not planned for, controlled, avoided or controlled by the contractor concerning. However,The contractor assigned by the event of force majeure shall inform the other contracting party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and subsequently sent a certificate of the event issued by the authorities concerned to the other contractor within 15 days after its occurrence.