The design uses the fast Fu Liye transform (FFT) to calculate the parameters of the distribution network. Using fast Fourier transform (FFT) for harmonic analysis, the amplitude and phase of the voltage and current of each harmonic can be acquired, and then calculate the parameters of the distribution network voltage, current, power, power factor, etc.. So this chapter first introduces the contents of the fast Fu Liye transformation in the first section, and then introduces the calculation formula of the distribution network parameters based on Fu Liye transform..
2.1 fast Fourier transform
as a kind of important harmonic analysis method, fast Fourier transform is the phase angle and amplitude of the signal to be measured is the harmonic.Then according to the amplitude and phase of each harmonic is calculated on the basis of the parameters of the distribution network.
2.2.1 FFT algorithm brief
FFT, fast Fourier transform, its purpose is mainly for harmonic analysis, in order to the harmonic amplitude and phase angle. In the early time, because of the huge amount of computation of the discrete Fu Liye transform, Fu Liye transform could not be used to solve the problem in real life.. However, with the appearance of FFT algorithm, the application of Fu Liye transform becomes more and more extensive.. After many years of innovation and development, the method has been well in theory and implementation.. But in the course of the use of FFT should be noted,If the waveform contains the harmonics, the FFT transformation may produce the aliasing phenomenon and affect the accuracy of the final results.. In order to solve this problem, we must satisfy the requirement of the Nyquist sampling theorem when sampling, that is, the sampling frequency of the data is two times higher than the high harmonic frequency of the signal to be measured..
2.2.2 based on FFT harmonic analysis implement
as harmonic analysis in the application of the most widely used method, using fast Fourier transform to calculate the amplitude and phase of each harmonic, with simple operation, accurate and convenient advantages. Its concrete realization is as follows.
(1) data acquisition
before the FFT transform,It is necessary to turn analog signals into discrete digital signals, which is data acquisition.. According to the calculation of FFT, the data points collected in a period of time can meet the following conditions: M and N are positive integers..
(2) data reordering
acquisition data must be the reversal and addition calculation, the original data sequence for reordering to FFT. It is assumed that the original data sequence is {x (I) |i=0,1,2... , N-1}, the new sequence is {X (I) |i=0,1,2... N-1}, then the relationship between the two (2-1) given