as a result,東方大學(buu)已成為年自治大學(也不在公共大學的國有企業)in line with this government policy。這一變化has resulted in universities in Thailand新增競爭之間,以及students to study in that is to have a大學感知高品質教學與學習方法。This has to improve their motivated buu教官教學方法和策略,通過專業的發展。to achieve the上述目標,教育改革has resulted in changes in教學方法,教師有找尋創新to incorporate in their教學,特別是those which relate to the use of Modern科技在英語語言教學與學習。這是最近的研究趨勢包括with that has shown that can be employed to improve科技的教學與學習(洛克希德公司,1991,cited in貝,2001年)。Additionally,科技輔助教學results in changes in both教官”與大學生的角色。學生成為more responsible for their own learning,表演個人黃金集團activities with a科技- asidted課,而the教練,as a Facilitator,變成資源專業觀測學習過程。