Le prix de à droite / à gauche du lève-vitre avant & arrière est 178.93/178.93/155.40/155.40RMB (sans TVA) après de 1 RMB. Au total, 4 RMB/véhicule est diminuée.
The price of right / left of the rear window regulator before & is 178.93/178.93/155.40/155.40RMB (without VAT) after 1 RMB. In total, 4 RMB/vehicle is diminished.
The price of on the right/on the left of the back window winder before & is 178.93/178.93/155.40/155.40RMB (without VAT) after 1 RMB. On the whole, 4 RMB/véhicule is decreased.