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put online the FEB 02, 2015 by, Administrator
The Director General of the Agency of Standards and Quality (ANOR), brought to the knowledge of the students of universities and large schools, CameroonianThat the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO) organized the second continental contest of dissertation on the theme: "The role of standards in the promotion of sustainable agriculture and food safety in Africa " .
The competition is directed to Cameroonian students under 35 years of age.The records of the five best candidates Cameroonians will be transmitted to the ARSO for competition at the continental level.
Documents to provide :
The dissertation from 1000 to 1200 words maximum, entered in French or in English (character Century Gothic, police 12, , line spacing 2,) ;
a registration form duly completed to remove to the booth of the ANOR, sis to Bastos,Carrefour Elecam or to download on the internet site of the ANOR to the following address: www.anor.cm;
a photocopy of the CNI;
a certificate of school attendance.
NB: The deadline for admissibility of the folders to the ANOR is fixed to the Friday, February 13, 2015 at 15h30.
the complete files can also be sent to the following address: BP 14966 Yaounde-Cameroun -Tel/Fax:222,206,368 Or electronically by the channel of the following collaborators: