Les personnes rentrant des zones à risques (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinée), comme les journalistes, les médecins, les personnels des ONG, sont surveillées de près, et à juste titre, par le personnel médical du pays d’origine. Mais durant la période d’incubation d’Ebola, qui dure au maximum 21 jours, pas besoin de rester terré chez soi. Un malade n’est contagieux qu’à partir du moment où il développe les premiers symptômes de la maladie, "une fièvre au dessus de 38°C accompagnée de maux de tête et de douleurs musculaires", précise Guillaume Le loup. En résumé : pour ce virus, une période d’incubation n’est pas une période de contagiosité.
Those returning from areas at risk (Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea), such as journalists, doctors, staff of NGOs, are monitored closely, and rightly so, by the staff of the country of origin. But during the incubation period of Ebola, which lasts at least 21 days, no need to stay grounded at home. A patient is contagious unless he developed the first symptoms of the disease, "a fever above 38 ° C accompanied by headaches and muscle pain," precise Guillaume Wolf. In summary: for this virus, an incubation period is not a period of communicability.

People returning from high-risk areas (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea), as journalists, doctors, NGO workers, are closely monitored, and rightly so, by the medical staff of the country. But during the incubation period of Ebola, which lasts a maximum of 21 days, no need to stay holed up at home. A patient is contagious from the moment where he developed the first symptoms of the disease, "a fever above 38 ° C accompanied by headache and muscle pain," said William Wolf. In summary for this virus, an incubation period is not a period of infectiousness.

Persons returning from areas at risk (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea), such as journalists, doctors, the NGO staff, are closely monitored, and rightly so, by the medical staff of the country of origin. But during the incubation period for Ebola, which lasts up to 21 days, need not remain grounded at home.A sick patient is contagious only from the time where he developed the first symptoms of the disease, "a fever above 38°C along with headaches and muscle pain", says Guillaume Wolf. In summary: for this virus, an incubation period is not a period of contagious.