L'association Les Grandes Personnes est un collectif de théâtre de rue qui propose depuis 1998 des spectacles de marionnettes géantes et de théâtre d'objets en accordant un rôle important à la création plastique.
Née en 1998, dans le sillage de la Carnavalcade à Saint-Denis, la troupe des Grandes Personnes fait jouer la sculpture dans la rue. Son équipe est formée de plasticiens et de constructeurs autant que d'acteurs et manipulateurs, avec Christophe Evette à la coordination artistique. Adepte des spectacles participatifs, le collectif a mis au point une technique souple et efficace pour construire des marionnettes géantes, avec papier mâché, matériaux locaux et recyclés, grâce à laquelle elle a contribué à la fondation d'une vingtaine d'associations issues d'ateliers collectifs dans plusieurs pays, dont les Grandes Personnes d'Afrique – Marionnettes de Boromo1,2 au Burkina Faso depuis 2003, ou Suenos de Mache à Valparaiso au Chili depuis 2008, le Giant Match en Afrique du Sud depuis 20103, ou Marionetas Gigantes de Moçambique, à Maputo, depuis 2012.
Installées à Aubervilliers, dans la friche artistique de proximité de la Villa Mais d'Ici, les Grandes Personnes ont créé de grands déambulatoires (Allebrilles, fête des Lumières, Lyon, 20134), de vastes décors urbains (Théranthropes, Nanterre, 2011), et des spectacles plus intimistes, comme À la corde (2008), La Ligne jaune (2012), qui raconte l'épopée de l'usine Renault de Cléon avec des santons, ou La Bascule (20145), qui retrace la dernière décennie de la peine de mort en France avec des poupées de chiffon.
The association Les Grandes people is a collective of street theatre which offers since 1998 shows giant puppet and object theatre with an important role in the design.Born in 1998, in the wake of the Carnavalcade in Saint-Denis, the troupe of great people makes play sculpture in the street. His team is comprised of artists and manufacturers as well as actors and manipulators, with Christophe Evette artistic coordination. Follower of participatory entertainment, the collective has developed a flexible and effective technique to build giant puppets, with papier-mâché, recycled, and local materials whereby she has contributed to the Foundation of 20 associations of collective in several countries, including the great people of Africa - workshops puppet of Boromo1, 2 in Burkina Faso since 2003, or Suenos de Gau in Valparaíso, Chile since 2008 the Giant game in South Africa since 20103 or Marionetas Gigantes of Moçambique in Maputo, from 2012.Installed in Aubervilliers, in the artistic wasteland of proximity to the Villa but from here, great people have created great ambulatories (Allebrilles, party lights, Lyon, 20134), extensive scenery urban (Theranthropes, Nanterre, 2011), and more intimate performances, as in the rope (2008), the yellow line (2012), which tells the epic story of the factory Renault de Cléon with of santons, or switches (20145) which recounts the last decade of the death penalty in France with rag dolls.

the association is a group of people who has, since 1998, street theatre and puppetry theatre giant objects with an important role in the plastic.born in 1998, in the wake of the carnavalcade in saint denis, the troupe of adults playing the sculpture on the street. the team is made up of artists and builders as well as actors and puppeteers, with christopher evette in coordination of the arts. a participatory performances, the group has developed a flexible and effective technique for building giant puppets, paper mache, recycled and local materials, thanks to which it has contributed to the establishment of 20 associations from community workshops in several countries, including the major persons in africa, boromo1,2 puppets burkina faso since 2003, and valparaiso in chile to chew suenos since 2008, the giant game in south africa since 20103, marionetas gigantes of mozambique in maputo, in 2012.located in aubervilliers, the artistic "near the villa, but now, people have created great déambulatoires (allebrilles, festival of lights, lyon, 20134), large urban settings (théranthropes nanterre, 2011), and more intimate performances, as in the rope (2008). yellow line (2012), which tells the story of the renault factory in santons cleon and the scale (20145), which depicts the last decade of the death penalty in france with the dolls.