67700:47:54,401 --> 00:47:57,001Walsh a commencéa avoir des soupgons67的英文翻譯

67700:47:54,401 --> 00:47:57,001Wal

00:47:54,401 --> 00:47:57,001
Walsh a commencé
a avoir des soupgons

00:47:57,401 --> 00:48:00,321
mais les gens
impliqués dans ce sport

00:48:01,041 --> 00:48:02,721
n'avaient aucun intérét

00:48:02,881 --> 00:48:05,001
a ce qu'on révéle cette tricherie.

00:48:05,161 --> 00:48:07,001
Ila guéri du cancer

00:48:07,161 --> 00:48:08,961
et it s'est transformé en Superman.

00:48:09,121 --> 00:48:10,401
Pourquoi 9a fobséde ?

00:48:10,561 --> 00:48:12,241
Pourquoi 9a fobséde pas ?

00:48:12,401 --> 00:48:14,441
Walsh voulait découvrir la vérité

00:48:14,601 --> 00:48:16,201
pour la rendre publique,

00:48:16,361 --> 00:48:19,001
alors que personne ne le soutenait.

00:48:19,161 --> 00:48:21,081
Personne ne parle.
La féte do it continuer.

00:48:21,241 --> 00:48:22,881
Tout est centré sur le fait

00:48:23,041 --> 00:48:25,161
qu'il s'est dopé pour mieux grimper

00:48:25,321 --> 00:48:26,961
et 9a a été efficace.

00:48:27,121 --> 00:48:29,441
Il est devenu un grand grimpeur

00:48:29,601 --> 00:48:31,241
en jouant au Dr Frankenstein.

00:48:31,401 --> 00:48:32,241

00:48:33,881 --> 00:48:35,081
Regardez I'Alpe d'Huez.

00:48:35,641 --> 00:48:37,441
Qa semble irréalisable.

00:48:37,601 --> 00:48:39,961
♪ étais de ceux qui se disaient :

00:48:40,121 --> 00:48:42,841
"On est censés y croire ?
C'est une blague."

00:48:43,001 --> 00:48:45,521
Quand Lance a commencé
a dominer le Tour,

00:48:45,921 --> 00:48:48,041
une connivence s'est créée

00:48:48,201 --> 00:48:50,401
au sein du monde du cyclisme.

00:48:50,561 --> 00:48:52,801
- Et s'il continue a gagner ?
- Nous serions ravis.

00:48:53,921 --> 00:48:56,001
Le dopage était organisé
par les équipes.

00:48:56,161 --> 00:48:58,281
Des organisateurs étaient au courant.

00:48:58,441 --> 00:49:01,201
C'était une véritable conspiration.

00:49:01,761 --> 00:49:04,881
Lance est en train de transformer
votre petit sport européen

00:49:05,041 --> 00:49:06,601
en marque Internationale.

00:49:06,761 --> 00:49:09,241
lls étaient déterminés et organisée.

00:49:09,401 --> 00:49:12,281
Il a menti a beaucoup de gens.

00:49:12,641 --> 00:49:14,841
Mais surtout, it s'est menti
a lui-meme.

00:49:15,161 --> 00:49:17,081
- Est-ce exact ?
- Absolument pas.

00:49:17,241 --> 00:49:19,441
C'est une histoire trés compliquée

00:49:19,601 --> 00:49:22,681
qui implique beaucoup de personnes
et d'intéréts.

00:49:22,841 --> 00:49:24,521
On découvre encore de choses.

00:49:24,681 --> 00:49:26,521
Il n'y a pas qu'Armstrong.

00:49:26,681 --> 00:49:29,401
C'est l'histoire de Ferrari,
de I'entourage de Lance,

00:49:29,681 --> 00:49:31,801
des gens qui lui ont tenu téte

00:49:31,961 --> 00:49:33,881
pour faire éclater la vérité.

00:49:34,041 --> 00:49:35,281
Il ne faisait pas de détail.

00:49:35,441 --> 00:49:37,081
Il a écarté des cyclistes,

00:49:37,241 --> 00:49:39,641
comme des médecins et des journalistes.

00:49:40,641 --> 00:49:42,761
♪ ai gagné, ils me doivent ce fric !

00:49:43,121 --> 00:49:46,441
C'est un thriller
construit comme un film de braquage.

00:49:47,601 --> 00:49:50,441
Le film va surprendre,
it pose beaucoup de questions.

00:49:51,241 --> 00:49:54,281
L'histoire de Lance
est devenue une mise en garde

00:49:55,041 --> 00:49:56,801
qu'il ne faut jamais oublier:

00:49:57,321 --> 00:49:59,601
"Que cela ne se reproduise jamais."

00:50:11,401 --> 00:50:14,601
Lance, pas vrai ? T'as gagné
plein de courses en Amérique,

00:50:14,681 --> 00:50:17,361
mais ici, tu ne gagneras pas.

00:50:17,441 --> 00:50:21,121
Dr Ferrari, je veux étre comme vos athlétes.
♪ aimerais suivre le meme programme.

00:50:21,201 --> 00:50:23,201
Dites-moi ce que je dois faire.

00:50:23,281 --> 00:50:25,881
Nous ne sommes plus cloués au sol.

00:50:25,961 --> 00:50:28,561
Maintenant, nous pouvons voler.

00:50:30,081 --> 00:50:35,361
La recherche de la victoire
en dépit des lois et de la morale.

00:50:35,441 --> 00:50:37,481
Le cycliste professionnel Lance Armstrong,

00:50:37,601 --> 00:50:39,801
"a n'importe quel prix",

00:50:39,881 --> 00:50:42,761
dévoile un des plus grands tricheurs
de l'histoire.

00:50:42,841 --> 00:50:46,161
Le tournant se produit
quand it enchaTne les victoires d'étapes

00:50:46,241 --> 00:50:48,641
et qu'il se dope dans cette optique,

00:50:48,721 --> 00:50:51,081
pour étre vainqueur.

00:50:51,161 --> 00:50:56,721
Je n'ai jamais été contrélé positif
a des produits dopants.

00:50:56,801 --> 00:51:01,201
Le personnage de Lance Armstrong
et tout ce qui gravite autour

00:51:01,281 --> 00:51:04,041
est un sujet trés intéressant.

00:51:06,641 --> 00:51:10,561
Vous voulez savoir si La
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
67700:47:54, 401--> 00:47:57, 001Walsh has begunthe soupgons have67800:47:57, 401-> 00:48:00, 321but peopleinvolved in this sport67900:48:01, 041--> 00:48:02, 721had no interest68000:48:02, 881--> 00:48:05, 001has what it reveals this cheating.68100:48:05, 161--> 00:48:07, 001ILA cancer cured68200:48:07, 161--> 00:48:08, 961and it has turned into Superman.68300:48:09, 121--> 00:48:10, 401Why does 9 have fobsede?48v00:48:10, 561--> 00:48:12, 241Why does 9 have fobsede not?68500:48:12, 401--> 00:48:14, 441Walsh wanted to discover the truth68600:48:14, 601--> 00:48:16, 201to make it public,68700:48:16, 361--> 00:48:19, 001While nobody argued.68800:48:19, 161-> 00:48:21, 081Nobody is talking about.The feast do it continue.68900:48:21, 241--> 00:48:22, 881Everything is centered on the fact69000:48:23, 041--> 00:48:25, 161It is doped to better climb69100:48:25, 321--> 00:48:26, 961and 9A has been effective.69200:48:27, 121--> 00:48:29, 441He became a great climber69300:48:29, 601--> 00:48:31, 241playing Dr. Frankenstein.69400:48:31, 401--> 00:48:32, 241Now.69500:48:33,--> 00:48:35 881, 081Watch I'Alpe of Huez.69600:48:35, 641--> 00:48:37, 441QA seems unachievable.69700:48:37, 601--> 00:48:39, 961♪ was of those who were:69800:48:40, 121--> 00:48:42, 841"We're supposed to believe?It's a joke."69900:48:43, 001--> 00:48:45, 521When Lance starteda dominate the Tour,70000:48:45, 921--> 00:48:48, 041connivance is created70100:48:48, 201--> 00:48:50, 401within the world of cycling.70200:48:50, 561--> 00:48:52, 801- And it continues to win?-We would be delighted.70300:48:53, 921--> 00:48:56, 001Doping was organisedby the teams.70400:48:56, 161--> 00:48:58, 281Organizers were aware.70500:48:58, 441--> 00:49:01, 201It was a real conspiracy.70600:49:01, 761--> 00:49:04, 881Lance is transformingyour small European sport70700:49:05, 041--> 00:49:06, 601brand international.70800:49:06, 761--> 00:49:09, 241LLS were determined and organized.70900:49:09, 401--> 00:49:12, 281He lied to a lot of people.71000:49:12, 641--> 00:49:14, 841But above all, it is lyinga himself.71100:49:15, 161--> 00:49:17, 081-Is that correct?-Absolutely not.71200:49:17, 241--> 00:49:19, 441It's a very complicated story71300:49:19, 601--> 00:49:22, 681that involves a lot of peopleand interest.71400:49:22, 841--> 00:49:24, 521We still view of things.71500:49:24, 681--> 00:49:26, 521It has not only Armstrong.71600:49:26, 681--> 00:49:29, 401It is the history of Ferrariof I'entourage of Lance,71700:49:29, 681--> 00:49:31, 801people who have held him head71800:49:31, 961--> 00:49:33, 881to pop the truth.71900:49:34, 041--> 00:49:35, 281He did not detail.72000:49:35, 441--> 00:49:37, 081He rejected cyclists,72100:49:37, 241--> 00:49:39, 641as doctors and journalists.72200:49:40, 641--> 00:49:42, 761♪ won, they need this money to me!72300:49:43, 121--> 00:49:46, 441It's a thrillerbuilt as a film by turning.72400:49:47, 601--> 00:49:50, 441The film will surprise,It raises many questions.72500:49:51, 241--> 00:49:54, 281The story of Lancebecame a warning72600:49:55, 041--> 00:49:56, 801what it must never forget:72700:49:57, 321--> 00:49:59, 601"That this does not happen ever."72800:50:11, 401--> 00:50:14, 601Lance, not true? You've wonfull of races in America,72900:50:14, 681--> 00:50:17, 361but here, you earn no.73000:50:17, 441--> 00:50:21, 121Dr. Ferrari, I want to be like your athletes.♪ would like to follow the same program.73100:50:21, 201--> 00:50:23, 201Tell me what I need to do.73200:50:23, 281--> 00:50:25, 881We are more stuck on the ground.73300:50:25, 961--> 00:50:28, 561Now, we can fly.73400:50:30, 081-> 00:50:35, 361The search for victoryDespite laws and morality.73500:50:35, 441--> 00:50:37, 481Professional cyclist Lance Armstrong,73600:50:37, 601--> 00:50:39, 801THE PROGRAM,"at any price",73700:50:39, 881--> 00:50:42, 761reveals one of the biggest cheatershistory.73800:50:42, 841--> 00:50:46, 161The turning point occursWhen it enchaTne the stage wins73900:50:46, 241--> 00:50:48, 641and it is dope with this in mind,74000:50:48, 721--> 00:50:51, 081to be winner.74100:50:51, 161--> 00:50:56, 721I've never been positive control(a) of doping products.74200:50:56, 801--> 00:51:01, 201The character of Lance Armstrongand everything that revolves around74300:51:01, 281--> 00:51:04, 041is a very interesting topic.74400:51:06, 641--> 00:51:10, 561You want to know if the
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
67700: 00: 54401 - 57001 47.walsh begani soupgons67800: 00: -: 57401 0.0321 48.but the peopleinvolved in this sport679- 48: 01041 -- > 00: 48: 02721have no interest680- 48: 02881 -- > 00: 48: 05001we suggest this is cheating.681- 48: 05161 -- > 00: brought to 48.he cured the cancer < i > < / i >682- 48: 07161 -- > 00: 48: 08961< i > and it turned into superman. < / i >683- 48: 09121 -- > 00: 48: 10401< i > - - fobséde? < / i >684- 48: 10561 -- > 00: 48: 12.241< i > - - fobséde? < / i >685- 48 - > 00: 12401 14441 48.walsh wanted to find out the truth686- 48: 14601 -- > 00: 48: 16201in order to make it public.687- 48: 16361 -- > 00: 48: 19001while no one supported him.688- 48: 19161 -- > 00: 48: that< i > no one spoke.the party must go on. < / i >689- 48: 21241 -- > 00: 48: 22881it is based on the690- 48: 23041 -- > 00: 48: 25161it is better to climb up691- 48: 25321 -- > 00: 48: 26961and it has been effective.692- 48: 27121 -- > 00: 48: 29441he became a great climber693- 48: 29601 -- > 00: 48: 31241as dr. frankenstein.694- 48: 31401 -- > 00: 48: 32241< i > and < / i >.695- 48: 33881 -- > 00: 48: 35081look at the alp to boo.696- 37 - 48, 48, 37441]it seems to be impossible.697- 48: 37601 -- > 00: 48: 39961i was one of those who say:698- 48: 40121 - > 00: 48) 534 28 41"we're supposed to believe that?it's a joke. "699- 48: 43001 - > 00: 48: 45521when lance starteda dominating the tour700- 48: 45921 -- > 00: 48: 48041the league was created701- 48: 48201 -- > 00: 48: 50401in the world of cycling.702- 48: 50561 -- > 00: 48: 52801< i > - and if he continues to win.- we'd be delighted... < / i >703- 48: 53921 -- > 00: 48: casdoping was organized.the teams.704- 48: 56161 -- > 00: 48: 58281the organizers were informed.705- 48: 58441 -- > 00: 49: 01201it was a conspiracy.7062000: 49: 01761 -- > 00: 49: 04881< i > is also changingthis little european sport < / i >7072000: 49: 05041 -- > 00: 49: 06601< i > < / i > international trade mark.7082000: 49: 06761 -- > 00: 49: 09241they were identified and organized.7092000: 49: 09401 -- > 00: 49: 12281he lied to a lot of people.7102000: 49: 12641 -- > 00: 49: 14841but above all, it is a lieto itself.7112000: 49: 15161 -- > 00: 49: 17081< i > - is that right?- absolutely not. < / i >7122000: 49: 17241 -- > 00: 49: 19441this is a very complicated story.7132000: 49: 19601 -- > 00: 49: 22681that means a lot of peopleand interest.7142000: 49: 22841 -- > 00: 49: 24521we find more things.7152000: 49: 24681 -- > 00: 49: 26521there is no baby.7162000: 49: 26681 -- > 00: 49: 29401this is the history of ferrarithe people of lance7172000: 49: 29681 -- > 00: 49: 31801people who have heart7182000: 49: 31961 -- > 00: 49: 33881to get to the truth.7192000: 49: 34041 -- > 00: 49: 35281there was no detail.7202000: 49: 35441 -- > 00: 49: 37081he rejected cyclists7212000: 49: 37241 -- > 00: 49: 39641as physicians and journalists.7222000: 49: 40641 -- > 42761 - 49.< i > i won, i need this money. < / i >72300: 00: 43121 - >:: 46441it is a thrillerbuilt as a heist movie.7242000: 49: 47601 -- > 00: 49: 50441the film's surprise.it asks a lot of questions.7252000: 49: 51241 -- > 00: 49: 54281the story of lanceis a warning7262000: 49: 55041 -- > 00: 49: 56801we should not forget.7272000: 49: 57321 -- > 00: 49: 59601"it will never happen again."728- 50: 11401 -- > 00: 14601.lance, don't you? you wina lot of races in america.729- 50: 50 14681 -- > 00: 17361but here, you won't win.730- 50: 17441 -- > 00: 21121.dr. ferrari, i want to be your athlétes.i would like to follow the same curriculum.731- 50: 21201 - > 00: 50 23201tell me what i should do.732- 50: 50 23281 -- > 00: 25881we're not grounded.733- 50: 50 25961 -- > 00: 28561now, we can fly.734- 50: 50 30081 -- > 00: 35361the research of the victorydespite the laws and morals.735- 50: 50 35441 -- > 00: 37481the professional cyclist lance armstrong.736- 50: 50 37601 -- > 00: 39801the program."whatever it takes".737- 50: 50 39881 -- > 00: 42761one of the biggest game showin the history.738- 50: 50) 534 28 41 -- > 00: 46161the turning point occurswhen it enchatne stage victories739- 50: 50 46241 -- > 00: 48641and he's in this regard.740- 50: 48721 - > 00: 50 51081to be a winner.741- 50: 51161 - > 00: 50 56721i've never been contrélé positivea performance enhancing drugs.742- 50: 56801 -- > 00: 51 01201the character of lance armstrongand all around74300: 00: 01281 - 04041 51.is a very interesting.74400: 00: 06641 - 10561 51.you want to know
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