Jusqu’à maintenant, si on applique ce modèle, on se retrouve avec une sorte de vitre plane qui suit la loi de Fresnel. Pour que la surface paraisse comme une surface d’eau, il faut ajouter des distorsions, soient
until now, if this model is applied, we find with a kind of flat glass which follows the law of Fresnel. so that the surface appears as a water surface, must be added distortions are
Up to now, if we apply this model, we find ourselves with a kind of flat glass that follows the law of Fresnel. so that the surface appears as a water surface, it is necessary to add distortion, are
Until now, if one applies this model, one retrouve avec a kind of pane plane which follows the law of Fresnel. So that surface appears like a water surface, il is necessary to add distortions, are