La Tsavorite a un très beau vert qui peut varier d'un printemps-vert frais ou un riche bleu-vert à un vert forêt profond. De toutes les pierres précieuses verts, Tsavorite a un vert plus vrai. Deuxièmement, une Tsavorite bien taillée est aussi remarquablement brillante et pétillante, à la différence de l'émeraude qui est plus discrete. Cela est dû à deux facteurs clés. Tout d'abord, l'indice de réfraction de la Tsavorite est considérablement plus élevé à 1,74 à celui d'émeraude à 1,57. Et puis, la dispersion de la Tsavorite de 0,028 est double de celle de l'émeraude qui est seulement 0.014. L’éclat de Tsavorite deviens beaucoup plus important quand elle est sertie avec les diamants.
The Tsavorite has a beautiful green, which can vary from cool spring-green or blue-green to a rich deep green forest. Of all the green gems, Tsavorite has a true green. Second, a well-cut Tsavorite is also remarkably bright and sparkling, unlike the emerald is more discrete. This is due to two key factors. First, the refractive index of the Tsavorite is considerably higher than that of 1.74 to 1.57 emerald. And, the dispersion of the Tsavorite 0.028 is twice the of the emerald which is only 0.014. The brilliance of Tsavorite become much more important when it is set with diamonds.

The Tsavorite has a very nice green which can vary from a spring-fresh green or a rich blue-green to a forest green deep. Of all the precious stones greens, Tsavorite has a green more true. Secondly, a Tsavorite well carved is also remarkably brilliant and sparkling, to the difference of the emerald which is more discreet. This is due to two key factors. First,The refractive index of the Tsavorite is significantly higher at 1.74 to that of emerald to 1.57 . And then, the dispersion of the Tsavorite of 0.028 is twice that of the emerald which is only 0,014 . The brilliance of Tsavorite become much more important when it is crimped with the diamonds.