Le concours des vins d'Orange, créé en 1952 par Vincent Allessandrini, courtier en vins, sous le nom de foire aux vins d'Orange est le plus ancien et le plus prestigieux concours des vins de la vallée du Rhône.
En 2007 la foire aux vins d'Orange a changé de dénomination pour devenir le concours des vins d'Orange, le plus important de la vallée du Rhône. En 2011, le 7 février, le concours a porté sur 2 820 échantillons de vin (blanc, rouge, rosé), mobilisant 642 dégusteurs rassemblés dans 158 jurys.
Vins participants au concours
Il s'agit des côtes-du-rhône, côtes-du-rhône villages, ventoux, luberon, grignan-les-adhémar, costières-de-nîmes, côtes-du-vivarais. S'y ajoutent quelques vins de pays dont les vins de pays d’Aigues, de Méditerranée, de la Principauté d’Orange et de Vaucluse
Un jury international
En 2012, ce concours a fêté son 60e anniversaire3. Il fait partie des concours habilités par la DGCCRF à accorder des récompenses officielles4. Sa renommée internationale est telle que les membres du jury, des professionnels et des amateurs avertis, viennent des États-Unis, d'Allemagne ou de Suisse. La qualité des médailles - or, argent bronze - que décerne chaque jury (ils sont vingt) a fait entrer ce concours dans la catégorie des plus grands et des plus renommés au niveau européen
Orange wine competition, created in 1952 by Vincent Allessandrini, broker in wines, under the name of wine of Orange fair is the oldest and the most prestigious contest of the wines of the Rhone Valley.In 2007 Orange wine fair changed its name to become the Orange wine competition, the largest of the Rhone Valley. In 2011, on 7 February, the competition focused on 2 820 samples of wine (white, red, pink), involving 642 gathered degusteurs in 158 juries.Participating wines in the competitionIt's the Côtes-du-Rhône, Côtes du Rhône villages, ventoux, luberon, grignan-les Adhémar, Costières de Nîmes, Côtes du vivarais. In addition some wines from countries including the vins de pays d'Aigues, Mediterranean, the Principality of Orange and VaucluseAn international juryIn 2012, this contest celebrated its 60th anniversaire3. It is part of competitions authorized by the DGCCRF to give rewards officielles4. His international reputation is such that the members of the jury, professionals and amateurs, come from the United States, Germany or Switzerland. The quality of the medals - gold, silver bronze - awarded by each jury (they are twenty) did enter this contest in the category of the largest and the most renowned at European level

the competition of wine, orange, founded in 1952 by vincent allessandrini firm under the name of wine, wine fair in orange is the oldest and the most prestigious competition of the wines of the rhone valley. "in 2007, the orange wine fair changed its name to the competition of wine orange juice, the most important part of the rhone valley. on february 7, 2011.the competition focused on 2 820 samples of wine (white, red, pink, and 642) dégusteurs gathered in 158 panels.
the wine contest participants are coastal du rhone, ribs, du rhone villages ventoux, luberon, grignan - adhemar, costières - - not the vivarais, ribs. there are also a few wine country wine countries of the mediterranean, acutethe principality of orange, vaucluse). an international jury "in 2012, the competition has been celebrating its 60th anniversaire3. it is part of the assistance authorized by health official to rewards. his international reputation was such that the selection board members, both professional and amateur warning came from the united states, germany and switzerland. the quality of the gold medal.the selection board awarded silver bronze - (there are 20) in this competition in the category of the largest and most recognized at european level.