Depuis que l’épidémie d'Ebola est devenue l’ennemi sanitaire public numéro un, les rumeurs vont bon train sur sa fulgurante progression et son mode de transmission. France 24 tord le cou à quelques contrevérités tenaces.
Since the Ebola outbreak became public health enemy number one, the rumors rife about his meteoric progress and its mode of transmission. France 24 twists the neck of a few stubborn untruths.
Since the Ebola outbreak became public health enemy number one, rumors are rife about his meteoric rise and its mode of transmission. France 24 debunks some persistent untruths.
Since the outbreak of Ebola has become the enemy public health number one, rumours are good train on its meteoric rise and its mode of transmission. France 24 wrings the neck of a few untruths tenacious.