La fourniture et le montage sous tension électrique, de câbles de garde à fibres optiques OPGW sur la ligne THT existante, ci-après :
Ligne 225 KV N° ligne Longueur à équiper en F.O
(km) Type câble F.O Nature des travaux
Fourniture et installation sous tensions électriques
Les prestations et fournitures demandées comprennent :
• La fourniture de 230 km de câble de garde à fibres optiques OPGW pour ligne 225 kV conformément aux spécifications techniques.
• La pose sous tension électrique, du câble de garde à fibres optiques OPGW sur les lignes 225 kV citées dans le tableau du parapgraghe I, y compris la fourniture de tous les accessoires nécessaires à la suspension et l’ancrage de ce câble sur les supports
• La fourniture, la pose et le raccordement des boites de jonction, y compris les accessoires de fixation sur les supports.
• La fourniture et l’installation du câble à fibres optiques souterrain de prolongement à l’intérieur des postes THT/HT de KHENIFRA et ERRACHIDIA se trouvant aux extrémités des lignes à équiper en fibre optiques et les salles TELECOMS.
• La réalisation des caniveaux et regards pour les câbles souterrains à fibres optiques de prolongement.
• La fourniture, la pose et le raccordement d’une armoire réseaux/optiques et d’un tiroir optique par l'Entrepreneur aux postes cités en objet conformément aux spécifications techniques à la pièce VI du présent dossier, spécifié dans les articles VII et VIII.
• Les mesures et tests des liaisons fibres optiques résultant de ces installations (Mesures d’atténuation, de dispersion chromatique et de PMD)
• Etablissement et fourniture des dossiers techniques des installations, sur papier en 2 exemplaires et sur CD.
I. OBJECT Supply and mounting electric voltage of cables of guard fiber optic OPGW on existing EHV line, below:Line 225 KV No. line length to fit into F.O (km) Type cable F.O Nature of the workKHÉNIFRA-ERRACHIDIA 25-69 230,00 OPGW Supply and installation electrical voltagesII. CONSISTENCY OF THE SUPPLIES AND SERVICESThe benefits and supplies requested include:• The supply of 230 km of wire fiber optic OPGW for line 225 kV according to specifications.• Laying electric voltage of the wire fiber optic OPGW on the 225 kV lines mentioned in the table of parapgraghe I, including the provision of all the necessary accessories for the suspension and anchoring of this cable on media• Supply, installation and connection of boxes junction, including the mount on brackets accessories.• The provision and installation of the underground fibre optic cable of extension within the stations of KHÉNIFRA and ERRACHIDIA posts located at the ends of the lines to fit into optical fiber and telecom rooms.• The realization of the gutters and looks for the underground fiber optic extension cables.• The provision, installation and the connection of a Cabinet networks/optical and optical drawer by the contractor for cited items, in accordance with the specifications in exhibit VI of this case, specified in articles VII and VIII. • Measurement and test of optical fiber links resulting from these facilities (mitigation, chromatic dispersion and PMD)• Establishment and provision of technical records of facilities, on paper in 2 copies and CD.

i. purpose in the supply and installation of electrical cables under tension, the fiber optic guard opgw vht line;:
line 225 kv line length (with f. o (km) nature of the work of a cable (25) 230 - errachidia khenifra opgw the electrical voltage supply and installation (
. consistency of the supplies and services provided. "the services and supplies required include:
- provision of 230 km of optical fibre cable of opgw 225 kv line in accordance with the technical specifications. the voltage is under the care of optical fiber cable opgw on lines 225 kv listed in the table of parapgraghe iincluding the supply of all materials required for the suspension and anchorage of the cable on the media "- the supply, installation and connection of the junction boxes, including the attachment fittings on the media.- supply and installation of the fiber optic cable extending inside the underground stations of khenifra and errachidia. tht) located at the ends of lines with optical fiber and space telecommunications. - completion of the gutters and looks for the fiber optic cables - providing extension..installation and connection of a cabinet and a drawer for optical networks and optical stations by the contractor in accordance with the technical specifications mentioned in the part vi of this dossier, as specified in sections vii and viii. "- measures and tests of optical fiber links from these facilities (chromatic dispersion mitigation, and pmd.- the provision of facilities and technical files, paper copy and cd.