Cher Véronique,
Il a eu 40 jours après que nous n'avons pas encore obtenu votre réponse, attendre trop longtemps.
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me répondre le plus rapidement possible? Parce que nous devons décider tous les vins 750ml OEM et les petits vins de bouteilles de 200~375ml, et envoyer de nouvelles commandes bientôt.
Nous avons les nouvelles exigences suivantes besoin de votre réponse,
1, S'il vous plaît nous envoyer une liste de prix et de l'image de tous vos vins 200-375ml et 750ml;
2, nous voulons ajouter deux autres vins OEM, le prix mieux entre €1.7-2, s'il vous plaît Nous Recommander certains vins, et envoyez-nous quelques étiquettes de bonne mine pour le choix, les étiquettes que vous nous envoyez en 2013 ne sont pas les bienvenus.
3, S'il vous plaît nous envoyer une liste de prix et la gamme de capsules et bouchons / bouchons en bois pour le choix de type.
Dans l'attente de votre réponse immédiate.
Dear Veronica,
there 40 days after that we have not yet got your answer, wait too long.
Could you please answer me as soon as possible? Because we must decide all wine 750ml OEM and small bottles of 200 wines ~ 375ml, and send new orders soon.
We have the new requirements following your reply need
1, please send us a list price and image of all your 200-375ml and 750ml wines;
2, we want to add two other wines OEM, better price between €1.7 - 2, please recommend some wines, and send us some good looks for choosing labels, the labels that you send us in 2013 are not welcome.
3, please send us a list of prices and the range of capsules and Stoppers / corks in wood for the choice of type.
Waiting for your immediate response.

Dear Veronica, It was 40 days after that we have not yet got your answer, wait too long. Could you please answer me as soon as possible? Because we must decide all 750ml wine OEM and small wine bottles 200 ~ 375ml, and send new orders soon. We have the following new requirements need your answer, 1, Please send us a list price and image of all your wine 200-375ml and 750ml; 2, we want to add two other OEM wines, the best price between € 1.7-2, please We recommend certain wines, and send us some good-looking labels for choice, the labels that you send us in 2013 are not welcome. 3 Please send us a price list and a range of caps and plugs / wooden plugs for choice type. Awaiting your immediate response.

Dear Veronique,
he has had 40 days after that we have not yet obtained your answer, wait too long.
Please could you answer me as quickly as possible? Because we must decide all wines 750ml OEM and small wine bottles of 200~375ml, and send new commands soon.
We have the new following requirements need your answer,
1, please send us a price list and the image of all your wines 200-375ml and 750ml;
2, we want to add two other wines OEM, the price better between Euros 1.7 -2, if you please We recommend some wines, and send us a few labels of good mine for the choice,The labels that you send us in 2013 are not welcome.
3, please send us a price list and the range of caps and plugs / plugs in wood for the choice of type.
In the waiting for your immediate response.