Pour cette deuxième étape, il faut projeter sur le plan
d’eau la texture créée à la première étape. En général,
lorsque l’on applique une texture à un objet d’une scène,
la texture se « colle » à l’objet, de sorte que peu importe
le point de vue, la texture ne bouge pas. L’idée ici, c’est
que puisque la texture de réflexion est rendue à partir de
la caméra durant la première étape, il faut la projeter selon
le même point de vue sur le plan d’eau pour que l’illusion
puisse fonctionner (pour plus de détails, l’article [2]
explique la procédure en détail pour faire de la projection
de texture).
for this second step is to project onto the plane
water texture created in the first step. in general,
when a texture is applied to an object in a scene, the texture
"glue" to the object, so that no matter
point of view, the texture does not move. the idea here is that since
reflection texture is made from
the camera during the first stage,the project must be the same as
view of the water for the illusion to work
(for more details, Article [2]
explains the procedure in detail to the projection of

This second stage, to project on the map
water texture created in the first step. In general,
when applying a texture to an object in a scene,
texture to 'glue' to the object, so that no matter
point of view, the texture does not move. The idea here is
because the texture of reflection is made from
camera during the first stage, should the project according to
the same point of view on the water so that the illusion
can function (for more details, article [2]
explains the procedure in detail for the projection

For this second phase, it is necessary to project on the plan
d' water the texture created at the first stage. In general,
lorsque one applies a texture to an object of a scene,
la texture “sticks oneself” to the object, so that little importe
le point of view, texture does not move. The idea here, it est
que since the texture of reflection is returned starting from
la camera during the first stage,it should be projected selon
le even point of view as regards water so that illusion
puisse it to function (for more details, the article [2]
explic procedure in detail to make projection
de texture).