Selon l'article 6.10.5( Systeme de dosage chimique) du CST , le systeme de dosage du phosphate existe; par contre ce systeme n'est pas mentionnée dans ce déscriptif N° F05931C -H01 - 00
According to article 6.10.5(chemical dosing system) of CST, the phosphate dosing system exists; However this system is not mentioned in this document No. F05931C - H01 - 00
Under Article 6.10.5 (Systeme chemical dosing) of CST, the system for determining phosphate exists; against by this system is not mentioned in this specification No. F05931C -H01 - 00
According to article 6.10.5 ( System of chemical determination) of the CST , the metering system to the phosphate exists; by against this system is not mentioned in this description No. F05931C -H01 - 00