Un régime pétrolier souple et incitatif
Le régime pétrolier camerounais prévoit des mesures incitatives contractuelles, économiques et fiscales, avec en particulier une baisse de l’impôt sur les sociétés, de 57,5 % à un taux compris entre 38,5 % et 50 % selon l’économie du projet.
La flexibilité du Code pétrolier (en français and english )permet de négocier les deux types de contrats reconnus dans l’industrie : le contrat de partage de production et le contrat de concession.
Un code gazier attractif
Ce code précise les dispositions comptables, financières, fiscales et douanières applicables aux activités liées à la mise en valeur du gaz. Il prévoit :
- le régime de concession pour les activités de transport et de distribution ;
- le régime de licence pour les activités de transformation, stockage, importation et exportation ;
- le régime d’autorisation pour les activités de vente de gaz, d’importation et d’installation de matériel et de matériaux destinés à la mise en service des réseaux de transport et de distribution de gaz, des centres de stockage de gaz et des appareils de mesure et de sécurité à utiliser par les opérateurs et les clients.
Le Code gazier (en français and english ) prévoit également des incitations fiscales.
1 Type de contrat de partage de production 1146
2 Model Production Sharing Contract 1668
3 Le Code pétrolier camerounais 2717
4 Le Code gazier en Français 1467
5 Décret fixant les modalités d'application du code pétrolier 1477
6 Law on the development of associated gas 1099
7 Agreement for the transfer of non-exclusive exploration/production data on Cameroon 1038
A flexible and incentive oil regimeThe Cameroonian oil scheme provides incentives contractual, economic and tax, with in particular a reduction of taxes on companies, 57.5% to a rate between 38.5% and 50% depending on the economy of the project.The flexibility of the petroleum Code (in french and english) allows to negotiate the two types of contracts recognized in the industry: production-sharing agreement and the concession contract.An attractive gas codeThis code specifies the accounting, financial, tax and customs provisions applicable to activities related to the development of the gas. It provides:-the concession regime for transport and distribution activities;-the licensing scheme for processing activities, storage, import and export;-the system of authorisation for activities for the sale of gas, import and installation of equipment and materials for the commissioning of transmission and gas distribution networks, gas storage centres and measuring and safety devices to be used by operators and customers.The gas Code (in french and english) also provides tax incentives.1 type of production-sharing contract 11462 model Production Sharing Contract 16683. the Cameroonian oil Code 27174. the Code for gas in French 14675 Decree laying down the procedures for the application of the oil code 14776 Law on the development of associated gas 10997 Agreement for the transfer of non-exclusive exploration/production data on Cameroon 1038

A petroleum system flexible and incentive
The petroleum regime Cameroonian provides incentives contractual, economic and tax, with in particular a decrease of the corporate tax, of 57.5 per cent at a rate of between 38.5 per cent and 50 per cent, depending on the economy of the project.
The flexibility of the Code tanker (in french and english ) allows to negotiate the two types of contracts recognized in the industry: the production sharing contract and the concession contract.
a gas code attractive
This code specifies the accounting provisions, financial, tax and customs applicable to activities related to the value of the gas. It provides for:
- The concession regime for transmission and distribution activities ;
- the license regime for processing activities, storage, import and export ;
- the authorisation scheme for gas sales activities, import and installation of equipment and materials for the putting into service of transport networks and distribution of gas,Storage centers and gas measuring devices and security to be used by operators and customers.
The gas Code (in french and english ) also provides tax incentives.
1 Type of production sharing contract 1146
2 Model Production Sharing Contract 1668
3 The Code Cameroonian oil 2717
4 The gas Code in French 1467
5 Decree laying down the detailed rules for the application of the code tanker 1477
6 Law on the development of associated gas 1099
7 Agreement for the transfer of non-exclusive exploration/production data on Cameroon 1038