Coordonner et enchaîner des actions motrices caractérisées par leur force, leur vitesse, dans des espaces et avec des matériels variés, dans des types d’efforts variés (différentes allures, rapport entre vitesse, distance, durée), de plus en plus régulièrement, à une échéance donnée, pour égaler ou battre son propre record.
Identifier, stabiliser, améliorer sa performance.
Coordinate and chain drive actions characterized by their strength, their speed and spaces with varied materials, in various efforts types (different gaits, report between speed, distance, duration), further in more regularly, at a date given, to match or beat its own record.Identify, stabilize and improve its performance.

Coordinate and follow up actions drive characterized by their strength, their speed, in spaces and with materials varied, in the types of efforts varied (different style, report between speed, distance, duration), more and more regularly, at a given maturity, in order to match or beat its own record.
Identify, stabilize, improve its performance.