J’utilisais la colonne AJ « Appro EEM STATUS » pour mettre 80 ou 85 ou 90, ce qui me permettait de surveiller les dates ETD / ETA tant qu'elles n’étaient pas fiables à 100 %. Cette colonne a été vidée de son contenu sans que j’en sois informée !
I was using the AJ "SUP EEM STATUS" column to 80 or 85 or 90, which allowed me to monitor the dates ETD / ETA as long as they were not reliable at 100 %. Cette column has been emptied of its content unless I am informed! .
I used the AJ "Appro EEM STATUS" column to make 80 or 85 or 90, which allowed me to watch the dates ETD / ETA as they were not 100% reliable. This column was emptied of its content without my being informed!
I was using the column AJ "Appropriate EEM STATUS" to put 80 or 85 or 90, which allowed me to monitor the dates ETD / ETA as long as they were not reliable to 100 % . This column has been emptied of its contents without that I am informed !